The Betrayal of Albion Part 7
Conclusion & Modus Operandi

Meanwhile, back in the City…

“The earliest Ashkenazi synagogue constructed in London, after the return of Jews to England in the 17th century, was built about 1690 at Duke's Place, north of Aldgate. In 1696-7 [in The City], the synagogue also acquired a burial ground, at Alderney Road. The Great Synagogue of London was, for centuries, the centre of Ashkenazi and Jewish life in London. Built north of Aldgate in the 17th century, it was destroyed during World War II, in the Blitz.” Source

The Great Synagogue of London

The Great Synagogue of London just after the Blitz during WWII Source

The 12 Jew Brokers in the Royal Exchange

“After the accession of William III of Orange [to the English throne] (1689), there was a considerable influx of Spanish and Portuguese Jews from Holland. The majority of the communal magnates at this time were brokers, importers, and wholesale merchants, with a sprinkling of physicians. In the course of the reorganization of the Royal Exchange in 1697, it was arranged to admit 12 Jews – the so-called “Jew brokers” who remained a feature of the City of London until the beginning of the 19th century. To secure the favor of the lord mayor, a purse containing 50 guineas was presented to him each year on a valuable piece of plate by the elders of the congregation [i.e. synagogue].” Source

The Freemen of the City

The most important factor operating within the entity which is the City of London is the ‘Freeman’ principle. (Although you could be a freeman of any city in England.)

Source: “Liberties and Customs of the City of London – Are There any Left?” Graham S McBain:
“The freedom of the city of London was no empty honour. Without it a man was not at liberty to open a shop, to traffic by retail, or even to reside within the City’s walls, except for a limited time, and then only in the houses of freemen and under frankpledge. On the other hand, a man who had acquired the freedom... was free to trade by wholesale or retail with fellow citizen or stranger, to carry his goods throughout the length and breadth of the land, and to enter any town without payment of murage or other toll.”

There were a few ways of achieving the Freeman status:

  • Honorary Freedom (celebrities)
  • Servitude (apprenticeship of at least 7 years)
  • Patrimony, (open to legitimate and natural heirs of a male Freeman)
  • Redemption - purchase.

“Jewish and other non-Christian British subjects were allowed to be admitted to the City Freedom after 1830, although some Jewish Freemen were also admitted before 1738.” Source

The City’s illusory ancient privileges

The City of London’s so-called ancient privileges are not quite what they seem. Most of them were granted to other Cities in England as well and were not exclusive to London.

Source: “Liberties and Customs of the City of London – Are There any Left?” Graham S McBain:
“The first mayor of London is said to have been Henry Fitz-ailwin appointed by the sovereign in 1189 (or 1192). Up to 1215, the mayor was likely elected by the sovereign.”

After that it fell to the citizens to elect the Lord Mayor until fairly recently when, thanks to UK Prime Minister Tony B. Liar, sorry Tony Blair, he is elected by the corporations residing in the City. The more employees a corporation has the more votes the corporation gets, but of course, the employees themselves have no say in the voting process.

“The mayor is Lord Lieutenant of the City. When the sovereign desires to enter the City the mayor awaits her at the City boundary. The mayor surrenders the City sword (point downwards). On receiving it back, he bears it erect in processions before the sovereign. Further, no troops may pass through the City without the mayor’s permission. These latter customs are customs not liberties (since there appears to be no grant by way of charter in respect of them). Also, one would assert they are ‘ceremonial’ customs only and not ones which have a legal effect that could be enforced in a court of law.”

The Queen receives the Pearl Sword from the Lord Mayor of London

The Queen receives the Pearl Sword from the Lord Mayor of London Source

This is obviously the source of confusion over the monarch having to ask permission to enter the City.

“As to the exemption from tolls, in time, this was extended to many other boroughs and cities. Whilst this freedom from tolls might seem of great benefit to London citizens, in practice it was much more limited in scope, since: The exemption only applied to freemen who were resident in the City...”

The 1st charter of Edward III of 6 March 1327 provided that ”citizens of London were to be taxed no differently from other Englishmen”. A 2nd charter of James I of 20 September 1608 provides that non-freemen in the City are to be taxed equally with the citizens in all tallages, aids etc. The effect of all this was that - by 1608 - all persons living in the City paid the same Crown taxes as others.”

Many of the charters didn’t just grant privileges, but were concerned with law and order, fraud and weights and measures issues, such as:

“Forestalling. This was the crime of: (i) buying of goods on the way to market and, thereby, raising the price; or (ii) dissuading sellers from bringing their goods to market; or (iii) persuading the sellers of goods to enhance the price when at market. An 8th charter of Henry III of 26 March 1268 makes provision against it. The offence of forestalling was abolished in 1844.”

So what exactly are the special privileges that The City of London claims to have? It seems that many of the customs enjoyed by the City are ‘alleged’. “Recording a custom by word of mouth was made in times when many people were illiterate [F: like never?] and when every legal form and act was done and pronounced in the presence of witnesses and lived only in their memory.” Most of the official privileges are now long obsolete, all that remain are supposed to have come from an ancient time before such things were recorded. Most convenient.

It’s a popularly held belief that The City of London is a separate country within the UK. This is not the case in territorial terms. Officially it has the status of a county (the missing ‘R’ is the difference), just like Surrey, Kent, Middlesex etc. Unofficially it does whatever it wants, whenever it wants by right of mysterious ancient verbal charters, lots of smoke and mirrors and the fact that nobody is going to stop it because those that could are part of the problem.

Basically today’s City of London is a big con for big conners. 

Jewish Emancipation

“The struggle for Jewish emancipation in England centered in London. In 1831, Jews were admitted to the freedom of the city, and hence to the privilege of carrying on retail trade, from which they had hitherto been barred. In 1835, David Salomons was elected a sheriff of the city, the first Jew to attain that distinction. In 1847, he was the first Jewish alderman, and, in 1855, the first Jewish lord mayor of London.

“From 1830, the City of London had shown sympathy with Parliamentary emancipation of the Jews, and its persistence in electing Baron Lionel de Rothschild, notwithstanding the fact that he could not take his seat because of the form of the statutory oath, was in a large measure responsible for the admission of the Jews to Parliament in 1858.” Source

In 1851 The City of London’s population was 127,869, but after David Salomons was elected as the first Jewish Lord Mayor in 1855 it dropped to 26,923 by 1901 and 5,234 in 1951.Today it is believed to be around 7,000, which is 93,000 less than it was at the time of the Great Fire. Today London has a population of 9,304,016. Which is almost 8 million more than it was in 1666.

“The idea that it’s the global capital of investment expertise really is a myth.

“Yes, London is, at least for now, the largest exporter of financial services in the world. It employs a very large number of people and makes a significant contribution to the Government’s tax receipts. But it also receives vast sums from the Treasury in the form of tax relief on pensions, and of course we all remember 2008 (or do we?) when we, the UK’s tax payers, had to bail out London’s banking sector to the tune of £500 billion." Source

Information ‘in the public interest’

There now follows a selection of ‘Tit-Bits' and not so trivial trivia compiled by Suzon Forscey-Moore ‘in the public interest.'

The first charter.

The first charter of the Norman-English dynasty was granted to the Corporation of the City of London by William the Conqueror in 1067.

The successful dynasty.

HRH Elizabeth II is a direct descendant of William the Conqueror. HRH Prince
Philip is also a direct descendant of William the Conqueror.

The status and duties of the Lord Mayor of the Corporation.

As head of the City of London, the Lord Mayor presides over its governing bodies - the Court of Aldermen and the Court of Common Council. He is Chief Magistrate of the City of London, Admiral of the Port of London, Chancellor of City University and President or Patron of many other civic and charitable organisations. He also has a much wider business role - working for Britain as a whole, supporting and promoting the world's leading international financial centre, the City of London, both at home and abroad. His position as a trusted spokesman for the business community is enhanced by the entirely apolitical nature of his office.

A royal charter is a mark of royal favour.

'After the grant of a Charter of Incorporation, the Privy Council does not monitor the proceedings of the body or institution so incorporated in any way. This is partly because Charters are granted only to institutions which have already, over a considerable period, demonstrated their responsible approach. It is also because, because being a mark of Royal favour, it would be inconsistent with the policy underlying such a grant to interfere with it...Constitutionally, it is not open to the Privy Council to intervene in any way in the affairs of a chartered body unless allegations were made of so scandalous a nature as to suggest that charter should be withdrawn...[A] “body incorporated by Charter is not, of course, in any way
above the law.' (Privy Council Office letter to Austin Mitchell MP, 24 June 1992.)

The range of chartered bodies.

Royal charters are, with few exceptions, the basis for most of the 118 (and counting) City of
London Livery Companies. 6 Royal charters have also been granted to 66 cities [F: there's that number again], a large but unknown number of schools, colleges, universities and institutes, almost every profession including legal, financial, health, construction, energy, technology, management, agricultural, manufacturing, transport and the press.

The number of chartered bodies.

The number of unrevoked chartered bodies is reported to be “400 or so” but the list published online by the Privy Council Office has been systematically altered page by page. The total of those listed comes to 546 but the actual count is probably closer to a thousand and possibly more.

Royal charters are intended to be binding contracts.

Royal charters satisfy all the elements of legally binding contracts (except for propriety), including quid pro quo (something for something.)

The charter of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers.

Almost no City livery company website makes its charter available online to non-members.
One exception is the Worshipful Company of International Bankers which contains this implied command to ministers and judges in section 15(b): 'Our royal will and pleasure is that this Our Charter shall be construed benevolently and in every case most favourably to the Worshipful Company and the promotion of the objects of this Our Charter.'

The composition of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers.

In 2008, the master of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers was the Chief Executive of Fortis Bank (his predecessors included the chairman of the Camelot Group [National Lottery], a former governor of the Bank of England, a former chairman of HSBC Holdings, a former chairman of Lloyds TSB Group and senior adviser to Morgan Stanley & Co International). The deputy master was chairman and CEO of Arbuthnot Banking Group and members of the court included representatives from Wachovia Bank, the London Stock Exchange, JP Morgan, Credit Suisse and the chairman of Europe, Middle East & Africa Merrill Lynch International.

Charters order ministers, judges and civil servants to turn a blind eye to fraud.

A significant though unknown number of Royal Charters currently in force command either explicitly or by implication that judges, ministers and public servants give favourable treatment to the chartered body “non-recital (concealment) and mis-recital (deception) notwithstanding”.

The BBC charter granted in 1996 states: We do further will, ordain and declare that these Our Letters or the enrollment or exemplification thereof shall be in and by all things good, firm, valid, sufficient and effectual in law according to the true intent and meaning thereof and shall be taken, construed and judged in the most favourable and beneficial sense for the best advantage of the corporation in Our Courts of Record as elsewhere by all and singular Judges, Justices, Officers, Ministers and other Our Subjects whatsoever any non-recital, mis-recital or any other omission, imperfection, defect, matter, cause or thing whatsoever to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.

Senior judges accept hospitality from the Corporation of the City of London.

Each year senior figures in the English judiciary accept hospitality from the Lord Mayor of the Corporation of the City of London, which goes something like this:

"My Lord High Chancellor and Secretary of State, My Lord Chief Justice, Master of the Rolls, Fellow Aldermen, Mr Recorder, Sheriffs, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome all of you to the Mansion House and a special welcome to all of you who are here at this annual dinner for the first time.

"At their dinner the Bishops always attempt to win first place in the annual race to drink more of our best Mansion House claret than anyone else. The cognoscenti amongst you will know that you Judges have won the prize for several years in succession and I feel sure you will not wish to disappoint my accountant this evening."

According to the City of London website, the corporation owns and operates the Old Bailey and provides daily luncheons for the judges.

The royal connection to offshore banking.

What unites the three dependencies [the Isle of Man, the island of Jersey and the island of Guernsey] is that each euphemistically described as an offshore banking centre. In practice, all three are amongst the world’s major tax havens. (Of the 24 offshore banking centres world-wide recognised by the Offshore Financial Centres Directory, 14 have the Queen as head of state...This is a characteristic they share with many of the Queen’s overseas territories, including Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and the sovereign territories of Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados and Belize...

The Queen is also head of state to the bulk of the offshore-banking and tax-haven industry. In banking terms, the banks on her territories handle most of the trillions of dollars held outside the main financial systems of the civilised world.

The Lord Mayor of London travels with the status of cabinet minister.

‘For example, we prepare briefings for the Lord Mayor's overseas visits: he spends up to a third of his time travelling overseas, with the status of cabinet minister, and we brief him on [Insurance] matters to assist his discussions with overseas business people, regulators, officials and Government ministers...'

Ignorance of City Livery Companies is almost universal.

Writing of MPs’ finances, a prominent associate political editor wrote:

‘George Osborne was rewarded for addressing the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers, whatever that is.'

Other City Livery Companies of particular interest.

Worshipful Company of Apothecaries (the pharmaceutical industry)
Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners (cleaning and waste industries)
Worshipful Company of Fuellers (solid fuel, solar, atomic, gas and electricity)
Worshipful Company of Horners (plastics industry)
Worshipful Company of Shipwrights (arms trade)
Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers
Worshipful Company of World Traders (ships, insurance, commodities, finance) 

By the mid 19th century the City of London was totally reformed. It became the protected enclave of financial occultism, political power, corruption and corporate greed that we know today. No more ships arriving at the docks, no more crowds in the market places. Albion was gone, replaced by ‘Britain’ and stamped with the hallmark ‘Great’, a United Kingdom of debt.

The Number Six

I have deliberately not discussed any occult influences with regard to any of the above as to do so would make this series of posts even longer. However, there is one that cannot be ignored…
William the Conqueror and ‘his Jews’ arrived in 1066.
Expelled from the country for 366 years.
Readmission of Jewish people to England in 1656 [(1+5=6) = 666].
The Great Fire of London 1666.
William III Prince of Orange was 16 in 1666.

The Star of David is associated with the number 6 as is another highly significant number that no one dare criticise.

Patrick McGoohan's character in the excellent TV series 'The Prisoner' was known as 'Number 6'.

Modus Operandi

Without going into copious amounts of detail, because I am very conscious of the length of this series of articles, I would like to kick-off an analysis of the foregoing chain of events and try to construct a modus operandi that can be applied to other similar events.

To begin with, I think it’s important to discount individual divisive labels – Jews, Catholics, Ashkenazi, Protestants, Jesuits, French, Marranos, Illuminati etc. - when trying to discover who did what to who… or is it whom? They were all doing it to each other, but also to themselves at the same time. The Jesuit elite may be crypto-jews, the Pope may be Catholic, but let’s not kid ourselves that the Pope is being deceived by them because that’s just falling into the same reverse ‘divide and rule’ trap. They are all ‘mobsters', they all have their own patch of turf and they're all involved in a delicate alliance whereby they make use of each other's areas of influence whenever it suits them.

Me and my shadow

"Me and my shadow" Source

Missionaries & Jesuits

The early Christian missionaries and later the Jesuits, as an advance scouting party prior to a subsequent invasion or intervention, is a feature of many ‘histories’ from all over the world. Their mission was always the same: to ingratiate themselves with the locals and gain their trust; to discover the political situation; to learn the religious doctrines; to learn the history, customs and social structure; to instigate the ‘divide and rule’ plan by creating Christian converts. This information was all reported back via the spy network to their HQ – The Vatican.

Los Alumbrados

Los Alumbrados (The Illuminati) Source

The Illuminati/Los Alumbrados

“The Illuminati Order was not invented by Adam Weishaupt, [F: a Jesuit and student of Dr. John Dee's Enochian Magic] but rather renewed and reformed by him. The first known Illuminati order (Alumbrado) was founded in 1492 by Spanish Jews, called ‘Marranos,’ who were also known as ‘crypto-Jews.’ ...In 1491 Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati Order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto-Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic… In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the ‘Jesuit Order,’

Ignatuis Loyola’s intelligence network – The Jesuits

“Setting up the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola devised an elaborate spy system, so that no one in the order was safe. If there was any opposition, death would come swiftly. The Jesuit order not only became a destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church; it also developed into a secret intelligence service. While the Popes relied more and more on the Jesuits, they were unaware that the hardcore leadership were Jewish [F: I seriously doubt they were unaware of anything], and that these Jews held membership in the Illuminati Order which [F: apparently] despised and hated the Roman Catholic Church.” Source

I would conjecture that the driving force behind all of this was the secret inner cult within Judaism – The Kabbalists, who would later emerge as the Sabbatean-Frankists. Also 1492 was the same year that Columbus (whoever he was) sailed to ‘East India’ and discovered The New World. He left on the exact same day that the Jews were expelled from Spain. All of these things are related, but that's for another future article - see The Nature of the Beast.

In India for example, the Jesuits created fake saints and one even learned the language to the point where he was able to pass himself off as a native. He then proceeded to somehow persuade a Brahmin to recite the Rig Veda while he copied it down. The Vedas are India’s ancient sacred texts that were learned and kept in the memory of the Brahmins and never meant to be written down or read by those without the proper training to understand the meaning. This is one reason why the subsequent translations devalued the teachings. The other reasons were due to deliberate falsification and manipulation. 

The Vedas

The Vedas Source

Infiltration and Corruption

The infiltration stage is not always so obvious. A shipwreck was the cover for the arrival in India of the very un-Indian Chitpavan Brahmins who are now a very powerful and influential group within India and whose DNA is Jewish. Also, The Quakers arrived in New England apparently as refugees escaping persecution and they became The Boston Brahmins, now also a powerful and influential elite. There is a very strong link between The Quakers and the Jews, see here. As we have already seen, a whole shipload of Polish Jewish refugees supposedly from “the recent massacres at the hands of the Cossacks” landed in England just prior to the English Revolution and the resulting Resettlement of the Jews.

The companies of merchants maybe the cover for infiltration instead or, if not, the next phase is offering trade, bribery and coercion. In India it was the Portuguese led by Vasco de Gama, then the Dutch East India Company and finally The British East India Company with their private armies.

The traders may also introduce drugs and or alcohol to subdue the local population. This happened in China with opium. Also, I remember one of Sylvie Ivanova’s videos where she described the ‘missionaries’ in Siberia forcing the locals to drink vodka as part of the religious services.

With the infiltration complete the next phase is instability – divide and rule. The creation of false social, regional and religious divisions, economic chaos, the exploitation of traditional quarrels or grudges etc. all to foment wars that require resources, money and therefore debt. Bribery and corruption play a huge part in this. Wars may also be stage-managed between previously infiltrated parties.

Let’s not forget the reverse divide and rule principle employed within the ranks of the protagonists – they split themselves up into apparently opposing factions to cause confusion and chaos from which they benefit greatly. For example the bizarre coalition of Catholic and Protestant forces against The Netherlands just to install William III of Orange on the Dutch throne to make him ‘a monarch’ so he could then be given the crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland. Different branches of the Mafia collaborate as and when necessary.

An additional option is insinuation into the historical timeline to create a precedent for intervention. This is evident to a certain extent in Anglo-Saxon England, but the most blatant is the Aryan Invasion myth that was pulled off in India. The Mormon religion is another example, claiming as it does to have its origins in an ancient race of people who lived in America and their desire to build a city called Zion.

With all of the infiltrators active on the inside causing chaos outside, then comes the invasion or intervention – order out of chaos. This may occur over several events as more power and influence is achieved with each subsequent event.

This will probably also involve a clean-up, like a Great Fire or rather a controlled demolition, or a plague, even a pandemic to remove all of the unwanted established infrastructure and inhabitants.

Just as with the City of London, an unassailable enclave is set up that operates outside of the law imposed upon the masses and outside of their religious systems. This could be a physical entity like The City of London, Vatican City or Washington DC, or alternatively some kind of group or society. It controls the media and education. It exerts total financial control and is the puppet master of all political and social activity. All vestiges of the previous civilisation or society are destroyed and its history rewritten within 2 generations or 60 years.

Maybe it’s time to take a realistic look at human nature and recognise just how willing some may have been and indeed still are, to collaborate, if only through their passive consent. 

Felix Noille

