The Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India

Even today, many people seem to have a huge investment in the ‘Aryan‘ ideology to the point where they identify themselves as being ‘Aryan’. The origins of this dogma are not so widely known and its basis in fact is something that these days no one seems to care about or that is simply ignored.

When I first presented this article in the original forum, it produced many angry reactions. I blame my poor presentation skills for that and I hope I can do a better job of it this time having taken on board many of the misunderstandings and points of view. There seems to be a great deal of confusion that has been created (perhaps deliberately) by the association of different theories. On the one hand we have the idea that humanity originated at the North Pole and then spread southwards for whatever reason. Under that heading there are variations whereby there was an original blonde, blue-eyed ‘super-race' who spread knowledge and the art of civilisation to the rest of the world following some cataclysm or other. Personally, I don't have any issues with these theories and this article is not an attempt to debunk them. However, it must be said that I do not go along with the association of an ancient superior race with the popular Tartaria meme initiated by Sylvie Ivanova on her Newearth Youtube channel, which was a few years ago now.

What this article attempts to address is the abuse of the theories mentioned above with particular reference to the British subjugation of India and its absorption into the worldwide feudal system that was the British Empire. In this particular instance, these theories were twisted by further association with a white ‘Master Race' concept whose assumed superiority automatically gave them a prior claim to ownership of the entire Indian sub-continent. This era coincides with the first mention of the ‘Aryan Race' in modern times, although it must be realised that there is abundant evidence to show that such a race, or at least one with a very similar name, did in fact exist in the distant past.

The Vedas

The historical writings of ancient India, the Puranas, tell of Vedic civilisation existing in India for hundreds of thousands, even millions of years. However, recently the Indian government has refused any more funds for the archaeological excavation of the dried–up river bed of the legendary Swaraswati river, along whose path ruins of much of the very ancient civilisation of India lie. The argument of the India government is that the river is a myth and the British theory of ‘Aryan invasion’ is the established truth. The Aryan concept and the ancient Sanskrit texts of the Vedas are inextricably linked.

"From the Vedas we learn a practical art of surgery, medicine, music, house building under which mechanized art is included. They are encyclopedia of every aspect of life, culture, religion, science, ethics, law, cosmology and meteorology." William James, American Author.​

The authors of the Vedas came closest to modern ideas of atomism, quantum physics and other current theories. The Rig-Veda, is the first Indian literature to set down ideas resembling universal natural laws. Cosmic law is connected with cosmic light, with gods and later, specifically with Brahman. It was the Vedas that gave the world some of the earliest philosophical texts on the makeup of matter and the theoretical underpinnings for the chemical makeup of minerals. Sanskrit Vedas from thousands of years before Christ implied that matter could not be created and that the universe had created itself. Two thousand years before Pythagoras, philosophers in northern India had understood that gravitation held the solar system together and that therefore the sun, the most massive object, had to be at its centre.

"Twenty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together. The Sanskrit speaking Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one. The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years.” Dick Teresi, Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science.​

There you have it – “The Sanskrit speaking Aryans.” It has become such a cliche that it just rolls of the tongue, in one ear and out of the other without leaving a ripple on the consciousness.

300 years before Quantum Mechanics, Sir Isaac Newton came up with Classical Mechanics which describes very basic action and reaction. Newton’s entire work in Physics and Calculus was taken wholesale from the Vedas and the Kerala book of Calculus where it was originally used for calculating rates of change in Astronomy and Astrology for many thousands of years before Newton. The decimal and binary systems can also both be found in the Vedas.

It would seem then that there is a connection between the ancient blonde, blue-eyed disseminators of knowledge and the art of civilisation and the knowledge within the Vedas.

Roberto de Nobili: The impostor from Rome

Roberto de Nobili: The impostor from Rome Source

The Jesuit thieves

Beginning in 1542 the Jesuits sent missionaries to India. They were well received and set up churches. However, their main mission was to subvert and undermine the local religion. Which wasn’t easy as there never was any religion called Hinduism. The Vedic culture was a way of life or ‘dharma,’ based upon Vedic principles. In the end the Jesuits would pervert the very concept of the word ‘dharma’ into ‘religion.’

Over time the Jesuits resorted to deception and any other means at their disposal to obtain copies of the Vedas. By the mid 18th century they succeeded. Then began a program of falsification through translation or in fact, just plain old falsification and proclaimed themselves as teachers of a ‘New Veda’ - Christianity.

Following on from the Jesuits, it was the turn of the Jews to get involved, although some may say that there’s really no difference. Friedrich August Rosen translated the first book of the Rigveda in 1830, which appeared posthumously in 1838. The remaining parts were not translated until Rothschild employee Max Muller did it in 1890-92. 

The Meaning of the Term ‘Aryan’ in relation to India

Aryan is not Arian. The Age of Aries ran from about 2000 BC to 100 BC according to western astrology. In Vedic astrology, which is far older, there are no ages ascribed to individual astrological signs. Instead there are Yugas, for example we are now in Kali Yuga... which is not a good place to be.

Click to Enlarge

Aryavart Source

India’s native name is Aryavart – denoting the area of the Vedic culture. Manu Smriti ("The Laws of Manu") describes the exact location of Aryavart which lies from the south of the Himalayas and all the way to the Indian ocean. The inhabitants who live by the code of the Vedic culture were called the Arya, but it is not a locally spoken name. Commonly, the name Bharatvarsh is used for India in general and scriptural writings. The territory of India (Bharatvarsh) or the Vedic civilisation (Aryavart) during the Mahabharat war (3139 BC) extended as far as Iran. So, the ancient Iranian people also used to call themselves Aryans and therefore it clearly had nothing to do with a common race or language.​

“The word 'Arya' in Sanskrit means noble and never denotes a race. In fact, the authoritative Sanskrit lexicon (c. 450 AD), the famous Amarakosa gives the following definition:​

‘mahakula kulinarya sabhya sajjana sadhavah​
An Arya is one who hails from a noble family, of gentle behavior and demeanor, good-natured and of righteous conduct.​

“And the great epic Ramayana has a singularly eloquent expression describing Rama as:​

‘arya sarva samascaiva sadaiva priyadarsanah​
Arya, who worked for the equality of all and was dear to everyone.’​

“The Rigveda also uses the word Arya something like thirty six times, but never to mean a race. The nearest to a definition that one can find in the Rigveda is probably:​

‘praja arya jyotiragrah ... (Children of Arya are led by light)​
RV, VII. 33.17’

Manu Smriti, The Laws of Manu

Manu Smriti, The Laws of Manu Source

“The word 'light' should be taken in the spiritual sense to mean enlightenment. The word Arya, according to those who originated the term, is to be used to describe those people who observed a code of conduct; people were Aryans or non-Aryans depending on whether or not they followed this code. This is made entirely clear in the Manudharma Shastra or the Manusmriti (X.43-45):​

‘But in consequence of the omission of sacred rites, and of their not heeding the sages, the following people of the noble class [Arya Kshatriyas] have gradually sunk to the state of servants - the Paundrakas, Chodas, Dravidas, Kambojas, Yavanas, Shakhas, Paradhas, Pahlavas, Chinas, Kiratas and Daradas.’​

“Two points about this list are worth noting: first, their fall from the Aryan fold had nothing to do with race, birth or nationality; it was due entirely to their failure to follow certain sacred rites. Second, the list includes people from all parts of India as well as a few neighbouring countries like China and Persia (Pahlavas). Kambojas are from West Punjab, Yavanas from Afghanistan and beyond (not necessarily the Greeks) while Dravidas refers probably to people from the southwest of India and the South.’​

Thus, the modern notion of an Aryan-Dravidian racial divide is contradicted by ancient records. We have it on the authority of Manu that the Dravidians were also part of the Aryan fold. Interestingly, so were the Chinese. Race never had anything to do with it until the Europeans adopted the ancient word to give expression to their nationalistic and other aspirations.” Source

From this it would appear that the term Aryan referred not to a specific race of people , but to what might be called a code of honour or a way of life by which they lived - possibly named after those who originated and taught the doctrine.

Sir William Jones

Sir William Jones, Founder of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
His own little Roman Empire Source

The gestation of the Myth

During his time as British Colonial administrator, Sir William Jones (1746–1794) conceived the scheme of introducing the idea that Sanskrit was an outside language that was not native to India. This coincided with a general movement that was afoot in Europe to be free of the Judaic origins of mankind in terms of Genesis and the Hebrew language. It was/is cited as being particularly strong in what is today known as Germany and the alleged Volk Revival.

That Sanskrit could be an older language than Hebrew played to this evolving anti-Judaic movement which evolved to include the existence of some imaginary Central Asian (Aryan) race who spoke Sanskrit, took over Europe and brought the Sanskrit language to India when they forcefully entered the country.

This was the genesis of the fiction that would become the Aryan Invasion scenario later in the 19th century when the British regime unveiled the perfected false narrative. This would establish the fictional invading Aryans as the fathers of Vedic culture in India. Those who would introduce this ideology never cared to produce any evidence in support of their statement because it never existed and furthermore, fictional stories don’t need evidence as they are self-created dogmas.

Meanwhile, Jean-Sylvian Bailly (1736-1793) further elaborated upon the idea and introduced the concept of a northern homeland for humanity that later migrated to India bringing with them their knowledge of astronomy (India has the most ancient knowledge of astronomy in the world).

Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple

Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple containing seven vaults. 6 have been opened revealing gold worth over 22 billion dollars. The 7th can only be opened by a secret chant Source

A careful study into ancient Indian history shows that there was no such thing as an Aryan invasion. Since the very beginning of human civilisation, Aryans are the inhabitants of Bharatvarsh (India) which is called Aryavart. In the Bhartiya (Indian) history there are descriptions of Shak and Hun invasions and also of Muslim invasions but never an Aryan invasion. It was simply a figment of the imagination of the British diplomats who fabricated this false story. However, after creating it they had to fix the period of the entry of the Aryans into India which needed careful consideration.

The second millennium BC was the period of migration and the expansion of major civilisations in the Middle East area. The Sumerians were at their peak around 2000 BC, the Babylonians were expanding their empire around 1700 BC and the Assyrians established their independent kingdom around 1400 BC. The Hittite empire (Turkey) also flourished during the second millennium BC. The Hittite language used Akkadian cuneiform script of which the earliest known record goes back to 1700 BC. The cursive form of the alphabetical writing of early Hebrew and Aramaic languages started taking their first primitive shape around 1000 BC, and the Greek around 900 BC... or so they say.

Considering these factors of social and literal developments in the Middle East, they randomly fixed the 1500 BC for their speculated Aryan invaders, claiming that they came from the Iranian side, forcefully entered the Indus valley, settled there and spread towards the south. It was Max Müller who promoted this invasion story and formulated his dates of Vedic origin accordingly.

Max Müller

Max Müller

Max Müller conceives the Aryan Race

Max Müller was a British agent, especially employed (in 1847) to write the translations of the Vedas in such a demeaning way so that the Hindus should lose faith in them. His personal letter to his wife dated December 9, 1867 reveal this fact. He was highly paid for his work. The British were in such an imperative need to get someone to do this job and Max Müller was the right person, so they paid whatever he asked for.

In 1929, Sir Julian Huxley, considered to be one of the great natural scientists of the twentieth century by other scientists who agreed with him, related (in Oxford Pamphlet, No. 5, OUP: p.9):

"In 1848, the young German scholar Friederich Max Muller (1823-1900) settled in Oxford... About 1853 he introduced into the English language the unlucky term Aryan as applied to a large group of languages.​

"Moreover, Max Muller threw another apple of discord. He introduced a proposition that is demonstrably false. He spoke not only of a definite Aryan language and its descendants, but also of a corresponding ‘Aryan race.’ The idea was rapidly taken up both in Germany and in England." ​

Ten years later in 1939, he said the following:

“In England and America the phrase ‘Aryan race’ has quite ceased to be used by writers with scientific knowledge, though it appears occasionally in political and propagandist literature... In Germany, the idea of the ‘Aryan race’ received no more scientific support than in England. Nevertheless, it found able and very persistent literary advocates who made it appear very flattering to local vanity. It therefore steadily spread, fostered by special interests." Source

Throughout the next two decades, following its 1853 launch, Max Muller was forcing the Aryan epithet on the combined Indians, Persians, Greeks, Italians, Slovonians, Germans, Nordic and 'Celtic' races. By 1860 the Aryan-Semitic divide had become dogma. It was not the whole human race that was given this Aryan ancestry, but only a white race that came down from the mountains of Asia and who subsequently became Christian and colonised Europe.

Darwin's 'survival of the fittest' theory had just been introduced around the same time, but was used to show how the natural superiority of the Aryan race had been lost due to inter-breeding. In 1863 the French writer Ernest Renan, a close friend of Muller, believed that selective breeding in the future would result in the production of 'gods' and 'devas':

“A factory of Ases [Scandinavian heroes], an Asgaard, might be reconstituted in the centre of Asia. If one dislikes such myths, one should consider how bees and ants breed individuals for certain functions, or how botanists make hybrids. One could concentrate all the nervous energy in the brain ... It seems that if such a solution should be at all realizable on the planet Earth, it is through Germany that it will come.”​ 

Max Muller was not alone in his quest to convince the world of an Aryan race, it was a carefully concerted effort. The Sanskrit scholars fabricated and created records that showed the wrong historical dates for all of the important historical figures like Panini, Buddha and Shankaracharya, Slartibartfast*, etc. They deliberately confused historical characters with similar names who lived thousands of years apart in order to clean Indian history of any significant activity before the fake Aryan invasion. Coins and edicts that should have been assigned to the 15th century BC were therefore placed in 300BC. In this way their writers constructed an enormous amount of biased literature against Indian history and culture that flooded all the libraries of the world and which became the false basis for all other writers to follow. (*Slartibartfast was a character in 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'... sorry, I couldn't resist.)

The Dissemination of the Aryan Motif

With the availability of Vedic texts to western scholars, the intellectuals of Christian Europe were able to look to India in the hope of freeing themselves from the Jewish heritage. It must be emphasised though that they were very much westernised versions of the Vedas and not authentic, in fact one so-called Ezour-veda was a complete fabrication by the Jesuits. The Vedic philosophy and myths, such as managed to survive translation, convinced many that India was a far more likely and desirable source for the origin of western civilisation than the Near East. Furthermore, Sanskrit was looking like a better bet for the origin of language than Hebrew. Voltaire claimed to be “convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges - astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc." although he was also ‘convinced’ by the fake Ezour-veda …a little too convinced actually.

Click to Enlarge

The Ezour-veda, a Jesuit forgery

The Racial Climate

Race theories were the hot topic in eighteenth and nineteenth century Europe. Many educated people believed that human qualities could be predicted on the basis of measurements of physical characteristics like eye color, length of the nose and such. It went beyond prejudice, it was an article of faith amounting to an ideology. Here is an example of what passed for informed opinion on ‘race science' by the well-known French savant Paul Topinard. Much of the debate centred on the relative merits of racial types called dolichocephalics and brachycephalics, though no one seemed to have a clear idea of what was which. Anyway, here is what Topinard wrote in 1893, which should give modern readers an idea of the level of scientific thinking prevailing in those days:

“The Gauls, according to history, were a people formed of two elements: the leaders or conquerors, blond, tall dolichocephalic, leptroscopes, etc. But the mass of the people, were small, relatively brachycephalic chaemeophrosopes. The brachycephalics were always oppressed. They were the victims of dolicocephalics who carried them off from their fields. ... The blond people changed from warriors into merchants and industrial workers. The brachycephalics breathed again. Being naturally prolific, their numbers [of brachycephalics] increased while the dolichocephalics naturally diminished. ... Does the future not belong to them?"

Here we have the inter-breeding of “blonde, tall leaders or conquerors" with their “oppressed victims" to produce a hybrid race that will dominate the future. The implication is not only that this new race is inferior, but also that the error can be corrected by selective breeding and all of this is presented as science.

An Asgaard in Germany

Any discussion of ‘Aryan races’ cannot avoid the inclusion of Germany. Official history dictates that there was no German nation at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Instead, it’s claimed, there were numerous petty German principalities and dukedoms that had always been at the mercy of the neighbouring great powers - Austria and France. We are also told that the idea of the Aryan race was a significant aspect of the German nationalistic movement, stemming from the Volk Revival. There are serious reasons to doubt this narrative.

Some claim that Germania was one of the few last bastions of the Old World, then its sympathy and feeling of kinship with India is not surprising in the least. The official narrative also claims that some of the greatest German ‘intellectuals’ of the era were students of Indian literature and philosophy, amongst whom were to be found:

  • Humbolt - Lutheran, very early proponent of human-induced climate change and of dubious sexual tastes.
  • Frederick SchlegelLutheran, then atheist, then Catholic. Involved in the Jena Romanticism movement “considered to have contributed to the development of German idealism in late modern philosophy.” Published in 1819 the first theory linking the Indo-Iranian and German languages under the Aryan group.
  • Wilhem Schlegel - Lutheran, 1791 to 1795 was tutor to the children of Mogge Muilman, President of the Bank of the Netherlands, who lived at the prestigious Herengracht in Amsterdam. Produced a translation of the Bhagavad Gita in latin. Also involved in the Jena Romanticism movement.
  • Schopenhauer - Among the first thinkers in Western philosophy to share and affirm significant tenets of Indian philosophy, such as asceticism, denial of the self, and the notion of the world-as-appearance. Descended from wealthy German-Dutch patrician families. Neither parent was very religious and both supported the French Revolution.

Even a brief squint at Wikipedia gives enough to raise the eyebrows. Also, let’s not forget that Max Muller was a German employed by Rothschild. Also involved in the Jena Romanticism movement.

Moonrise over the Sea

‘Moonrise over the Sea,’ Caspar David Friedrich, 1822, (German Romanticism) Source

In 1819 Frederich Schlegel linked the Indians to the Nordics and labelled them Aryans. Somehow the Persians got included as well. His brother Wilhelm linked the term ‘Aryan’ to the German word ‘Ehre’ or ‘honour’ – which was actually an accurate translation, although it has no racial connotations in Sanskrit. Thus, we are told, the Indo-Germanic ‘myth’ was born and by 1847 it was already developing its ‘master race’ tendencies. However, was this a natural evolution or was it by design? Was there some occult guiding hand involved? I would remind you of the prophecy made by Ernest Renan:

” Asgaard, might be reconstituted in the centre of Asia. ... It seems that if such a solution should be at all realizable on the planet Earth, it is through Germany that it will come.”​

Britain had been watching the progress of German nationalism with rising anxiety that burst into near hysteria in some circles when Prussia crushed France in the Franco-Prussian war in 1871. This led to German unification under the banner of Prussia. Suddenly Germany became the most populous and powerful country in Western Europe and the greatest threat to British ambitions. Belief was widespread among British Indian authorities that India and Sanskrit studies had made a major contribution to German unification. Sir Henry Maine, a former Vice Chancellor of Calcutta university and an advisor to the Viceroy echoed the sentiment of many Englishmen when he said: "A nation has been born out of Sanskrit." 

The Three Emperors

The Three Emperors". Otto von Bismarck seen as puppet-master pulling the strings of the emperors of Russia, Germany and Austria. Varzin or Varzim was Bismarck's country estate. Cartoon by John Tenniel from "Punch", London, 20 September 1884 Source

Max Muller’s ‘one-eighty’

Max Muller craved celebrity and the life-style that went with it. He revelled in the role of being the most highly regarded Aryan scholar of his time. However, in 1872, he was living in England and his background was no secret - as a youth he was a German nationalist and the Aryan race theory was largely his creation. Now Bismark and the German Aryan race had become public enemy number one in England following German unification.

So in 1872, immediately following German unification, the culmination of the century long dream of German nationalists, Friedrich Max Muller marched into a university in German occupied France and dramatically denounced the German doctrine of the Aryan race.

Later in 1888, Muller stated clearly:

"I have declared again and again that if I say Aryan, I mean neither blood nor bones, nor skull nor hair; I mean simply those who speak the Aryan language... To me an ethnologist who speaks of Aryan blood, Aryan race, Aryan eyes and hair is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolicocephalic dictionary or of brachycephalic grammar."​

Just as he had previously been a proponent of the Aryan race theory for the first 20 years of his life, he remained an opponent of it for the remaining 30. However, in spite of this fact, we still find Indian scholars who hold onto Muller’s previous views, however inaccurate they may have been, in their own conclusions on India’s history and the validity of the modern Aryan invasion fiction.

Shortly before his death in 1900, Max Muller wrote, 'The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy.' In it he stated,

"Whatever may be the date of the Vedic hymns, whether 15 hundred or 15,000 B.C.E., they have their own unique place and stand by themselves in the literature of the world."​

In other words, either he was guessing all along or he knew damn well how old they were right from the start.

Developments of the Aryan Theory

In 1885 Rev. Dr. William Warren published ‘Paradise Found’ (dedicated to Max Muller) which stated that the cradle of the human race was situated at the North Pole in a country submerged at the time of the Deluge.

Warren himself revealed on the very last page of his book: he didn’t actually think his paradise could be found. He writes, mournfully,

“Long-lost Eden is found, but its gates are barred against us. Now, as at the beginning of our exile, a sword turns every way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life…” Arriving at Polar Eden, we could do nothing “but hurriedly kneel amid a frozen desolation and, dumb with a nameless awe, let fall a few hot tears above the buried and desolated hearthstone of Humanity’s earliest and loveliest home.”​

Personally I have some sympathy with this idea. Please see King Arthur in Hyperborea & The Arctic Cataclysm. Drill core evidence shows that the area of the Arctic Circle was once a tropical paradise that was covered by unimaginable quantities of mud (or ‘muck’) and then flash-frozen which could easily have caused a deluge.

Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak, a Chitpavan (of Jewish descent) Brahmin was jailed in India in 1897 for anti-British publications in his newspapers, The Kesari and The Mahratta. Earlier in 1893 he had published a book called ‘Orion’ claiming that the Vedas originated from 4500BC, much earlier than the British scholars allowed. Max Muller (this was after his conversion from the Aryan race theory) used his influence to make Tilak's incarceration a very pleasant one during which he studied the Vedas and after an early release he published his book entitled ‘The Arctic Home in the Vedas,’ which was completed in 1898, but not published until 1903. Muller died in 1900. Tilak credited William Warren (‘Paradise Found’) and John Rhys for anticipating his theories.

Tilak’s evidence for his claims relies heavily on astronomical data from the Vedas that apparently reveals the positions of vernal equinoxes and constellations that could have only happened at a certain period and have been seen from a certain location on Earth, i.e. the North Pole, or near as dammit. This kind of claim is very difficult to refute, I wouldn’t even try.

Tilak's theory was revised and elaborated upon in 1965 by the Zoroastrian H. S. Spencer in his book ‘The Aryan Ecliptic Cycle’ which was endorsed by Sir Ramaswami Aiyer (British-Indian, Attorney-General & Statesman) and Sir S. Radhakrishnan (President of India), dignitaries of the Theosphical Society in Adyar (India) and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry.

However, when permitted by the Indian government, archaeological evidence shows that Vedic literature describes people, events and places that existed in India, not at the North Pole. Also, the Vedas were not written down until the Jesuits tricked a Brahmin into dictating the Rig-Veda in the mid-eighteenth century. Up until that point they were transmitted orally by Brahmins who were only permitted to do so after many years of training in their interpretation.

Frawleys Paradox: On the one hand we have the vast Vedic Literature without any archaeological finds associated with them and on the other hand, we have 2,500 archaeological sites from the Indus-Sarasvata [Harrapan] civilization without any literature associated with them. Curious eh?

The Sri Lanka Bridge​

The Sri Lanka Bridge

The Bridge Between Ramesvaram, India and Sri Lanka

Archaeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to a primitive age, about 17,500,000 years ago and the bridge between Sri Lanka and India is also almost equivalent. There is a mysterious legend from ancient India called Ramayana, which was supposed to have taken place in Treta Yuga (more than 17,000,000 years ago). The Ramayana is one of the two epic Hindu poems, the other being the Mahabharata. The Ramayana describes a love story between Rama, an ancient King, and Sita, who is captured by Ravan, the King of Sri Lanka. Rama lays siege to Sri Lanka and wins back Sita. In this epic, there is the description of a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and the Sri Lankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the Supreme Being.

The Lost City of Dvaraka

The Lost City of Dvaraka Source

The Sunken City in the Gulf of Cambay, India:

An entire submerged city at Dvaraka, the ancient port city of Lord Krishna with its massive fort walls, piers, warfs and jetty has been found in the ocean as described in the Mahabharata and other Vedic literatures:

“Based on their location and depth, the ruins below the Gulf of Cambay must be at least 10,000 years old. Thermoluminescence dating of pottery shards recovered at several locations in the gulf revealed even more ancient dates, some as old as 31270 ± 2050 years BP, more than 10,000 years before the last glacial maximum.

“So, from the foregoing it is very evident the prehistoric civilization that matured and developed in the present day Gulf of Cambay was the forerunner and model to the subsequent advanced Harappan [Indus Valley] civilization known to history. This wonderful twin prehistoric metropolis of Cambay lasted from about 13000 BP to about 3000 BP making it the most ancient and largest city civilization not only in Asia but in the entire world. It is seen to be at least 7500 years older than the oldest Mesopotamian city civilization. However strong evidence supports the presence of humans from at least 31000 BP who were evolving and developing and formed a great hitherto unknown civilization that were submerged by the flood, giving credence to local and global flood myths.” Source

[BP is apparently Before Present, Before Physics, Bloody Pointless, or 1950.]

UPDATE May 2023: These sunken features could also be further evidence of the 10th century cataclysm that caused a general rise in sea levels. This event is discussed in detail in The  Dark Earth Chronicles series.

Divide and Rule & Controlled Opposition

The British used the Aryan Invasion Theory, to divide Vedic society and the state of India. The North Indian "Aryans" were pit against the South Indian "Dravidians," along with high-caste against low-caste, mainstream ‘Hindus’ against tribals, Vedic orthodoxy against the indigenous orthodox sects. They encouraged the idea that the original native Indians were undeveloped primitives who were pushed out of the area that was taken over by the invading Aryans, who then forced their language, culture, and religion onto the people who remained. Even as early as 1840 the British missionaries were using this theory as a means to persuade people of South India to reject the Vedic tradition, since it had been forced on them by invaders and to therefore accept Christianity instead. By using the typical "divide and rule" policy that the British were known for, they helped create a schism in the people of India which gave them better means to control and manipulate them under the guise of giving them back the respect they had always deserved. Of course, if they became Christian they would deserve even more respect, as portrayed by the missionaries. Later the same tactic was used to neutralize Hindu criticism of the forced Islamic occupation of India, since "Hindus themselves entered India in the same way as Muslims did." Even today, the theory has been used as the basis for the growth of secularist and even Marxist forces. The travesty that the Aryan Invasion Myth caused upon India was a mere drop in the ocean compared to the destruction of their entire culture, but that’s another story.

The Vril Society

The Vril Society Source

In the case of Germany, the native people were encouraged to identify themselves as the Aryan race. The blonde, blue-eyed Nordic features were firmly labelled as being Aryan. The Aryan race notion was insinuated into the so-called ‘Volk Revival’, which was probably nothing more than a natural expression of who the Germanic people were anyway. Just as the Judeo-Christians considered themselves to be God’s Chosen People, so the Germans were encouraged to think of themselves as the predeluvial Master Race. This happened in all manner of ways, art, philosophy and not least of which was via secret societies and lodges, where it almost became a religion and finally emerged in the NSDAP or National Socialist doctrine like a slow-acting poison. If anyone could have designed a diametrically opposed enemy of God’s Chosen People, they couldn’t have done any better than the Aryan Master Race. This was the controlled opposition to end all controlled opposition and the perfect recipe for conflict, racial hatred, division and War - lots of it.

Think about it; so maybe there was a race of people who were the survivors of Atlantis, or the antediluvian old world, whatever you want to call it. Maybe they came from the North Pole, maybe they were white, blonde and blue-eyed, maybe they were golden with fluorescent eyes and came from the South Pacific. After the deluge, ice age, mudflood, plasma discharge, time loop, creation of the Van Allen Belt, pole shift, tectonic slip - whatever you think happened, these survivors went out into the world to try and help rebuild civilisation. They didn’t discriminate between the races as to who they should help or who wasn’t worthy of their assistance. They saw it as their duty to share their knowledge with all races. Do you think they considered themselves to be the Master Race? Did they insist on being worshiped as superiors or even gods, or was that simply the reaction of those who had benefited from their assistance? Did they act out of a desire for conflict, racial hatred, division and War or for unity, prosperity and harmony? Perhaps it’s time to stop associating the Master Race with term Aryan.

The Vedas - Articles to Read
Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge: Archaeology Online | Archaeology Online
Rewriting Indian History - वेद Veda
VEDA - Vedas and Vedic Knowledge Online - Vedic Encyclopedia, Bhakti-yoga in vedas, Library
Cosmic Science of Today Is Based On Vedic Hindu Texts Written Thousands of Years Ago | Radhe Radhe |
Complete Review of Vedic Literature
The Aryan Invasion Theory: The Final Nail in its Coffin
Aryan Invasion — History or Politics? | Archaeology Online
Pirates in Priests’ Clothing: Francis Xavier & Robert de Nobili – Sita Ram Goel | Acta Indica » The St Thomas In India History Swindle
The Origin and Definition of the Name Hindu
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(32) First effort of Jones (1784) and the secret planning.
Revising History (Again?) – Evidence of an Even Older Civilization in India – Before Atlantis

Felix Noille

With thanks to all those who made significant contributions to the original article in
