● Introduction ○ The Cause ○ Point of Origin ○ Number of Deaths ○ How many ‘waves’ ○ Measures of Control ○ Treatment ○ Symptoms & Cause of Death ○ Most Afflicted Age Range ○ The Name ○ Transmission & Extent ○ Predictions ○ Summary
● When did academic interest in the 1918 pandemic begin? ● The search for authentic evidence ● An eye‑witness account ● Well, it certainly wasn’t Spanish, but was it the Flu?
● The 1862 Smallpox Epidemic in British Columbia
● Wrapping Up
Before getting into the 1918 pandemic, I think it’s worth reminding ourselves of recent events with a look through some newspaper headlines and bylines:
Complete Suspension Of Public Activity.
Three Shot In Struggle With Mask Slacker.
Re-Open City Plea.
Closing Order For the Whole State.
Epidemic Spreads More Rapidly.
Board Protests School Closing.
Public Gathering Places Closed by City Council for Two Months.
Compulsory Masking Adopted With Opening Of University.
Appeal To Constitution.
Masks For Everyone In Public Places. Disease Shows No Decrease In City.
Order Is Made Shutting Down Schools.
Quarantine All Suspects.
Quarantine Will Continue.
Value of Vaccination. New Cases Show A Steady Decline.
Masks Urged To Stop Disease Spread.
Open The Schools.
Epidemic Spreads More Rapidly.
Thousands Attend Protest Meeting.
Police Will Enforce Masking Order.
Lifting Of Ban Not In Sight.
Decline Is Shown In Reports Of New Cases.
Ban Rules Revoked By Board After Police Prepare To Ignore Closing Order.
OK, I cheated. As you may have guessed, those headlines and bylines were all from 1918-1919. Hopefully you will be as amazed as I was when I first saw them. They all come from this website, which is a digital encyclopedia of the 1918 pandemic in America. There are thousands of documents that have been scanned and converted to html and pdf, although the quality of some makes them unreadable.
(It might be worth mentioning here that the 1918 pandemic with its quarantines and lockdowns could be a valid explanation for many of the ‘Ghost Town’ photographs we see from the 1900’s.)
In spite of the provenance and supposed ‘eye-witness’ accounts of the newspaper headlines of the time, one cannot help but doubt their validity given our recent experiences with the media during the 2020 pandemic. Even a brief study of the content shows the same bias, manipulation, scare-mongering and the typical contradiction and confusion with which we have become so familiar. As a result, it is extremely difficult to get near to anything even resembling the truth about the 1918 pandemic. Subsequent editing, manipulation and revision by scientists, ‘historians’ and the media have compounded the problem even further.
There can be no doubt, however, that there is something to hide. In an attempt to uncover that something, I will begin in the present century and work backwards.
[WARNING: The following sections are detailed and exhaustive. If you prefer to skip ahead to a summary and get to the nitty-gritty then please click HERE.]
The 1918 pandemic has been the subject of a revival lately due to its high value as a weapon of fear. I have divided the 21st century propaganda regarding the 1918 event into the following sections and then listed it by date:
In late 1917, military pathologists reported the onset of a new disease with high mortality that they later recognized as the flu. The overcrowded camp and hospital [? maybe Étaples, France] was an ideal site for the spreading of a respiratory virus. The hospital treated thousands of victims of chemical attacks, and other casualties of war. About 100,000 soldiers were in transit through the camp every day. It also was home to a live piggery, and poultry was regularly brought in for food supplies from surrounding villages. British virologist John Oxford and his team postulated in 1999 that a significant precursor virus, harboured in birds, mutated and then migrated to pigs kept near the front.
Now, we know that it was the influenza virus that killed millions. More than 100 years later, the scientific community still does know for certain where or how it began – making it harder to plan for a repeat disaster. Source
It is known to have been an H1N1 Influenza “with genes of avian origins.” Source
The doctors of 1918 didn’t even know what it was, as they didn’t quite understand viruses and influenza pandemics back then. The sheer speed of infection and number of deaths in such a short period of time really doesn’t sound like something a normal flu virus can do. Source
Many medical professionals thought that influenza was a specific communicable disease that presented seasonally, usually in the winter. Source
Reports from those years and medical newsletters are unambiguous. These were all complications of mindless vaccinations in the army. The Office of the U.S. Army General Physician gives exact figures. After vaccination against smallpox and typhus in the army in 1917, there was a sharp increase in deaths from pneumonia and encephalitis.
How were vaccines prepared at that time? The horse dung was taken and spread over the calf's belly. Then the abdomen was incised about 100-200 times. After one week, the pus was scraped off and dried, then rubbed or injected into the skin of the forearm. There were clinics that advertised that they were vaccinating with fresh pus straight from the animal. Horse dung contained tetanus bacteria, syphilis and many more.
These vaccine testing procedures still exist in the military. An example is the sepsis epidemic in the Polish Army in 2007. 16 young people vaccinated before leaving for the Missions, known as Peacekeepers, died.
In 1918, experts still believed that influenza was caused by the Bacillus influenzae bacterium, though doubts were raised when physicians were unable to find any bacilli during autopsies. Doctors also had a difficult time diagnosing influenza infection, often mistaking it for the common cold, cholera, or bubonic plague. Source
The 1918 and 1919 volumes of the Journal of the American Medicine Association (AMA) include many articles on the cause, prevention, and treatment of influenza. Again and again, investigators wonder at the spotty presence of B. influenzae in the ill, note its presence in healthy individuals, and observe it in other infections such as measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and varicella (chickenpox). In one article, the authors write, “There seems to be no justification for the belief that the epidemic was due to the influenza bacillus, which is probably a secondary invader and bears about the same relation to the influenza cases as to respiratory infections of a different sort” (Lord 1919).
Another group of investigators described the use of vaccines at the Naval Training Station in San Francisco. The authors noted that “steps were taken to produce a prophylactic vaccine,” even though there was a “great diversity of opinion as to the exciting cause” of the pandemic. In general pneumococcus and streptococcus were seen as the cause of the most severe complications. Additionally, and amid dissent, they decided to obtain a culture of B. influenzae from a fatal case at the Rockefeller Institute to include in the vaccine. In all, the vaccine contained B. influenzae, 5 billion bacteria; pneumococcus Types I and II, 3 billion each; pneumococcus Type III, 1 billion; and Streptococcus hemolyticus (S. pyogenes), 100 million.
Another use of vaccine was documented in Washington State at the Puget Sound Navy Yard (Ely 1919). The investigators concluded that B. influenzae played no role in the outbreak. Source
Morens DM, Taubenberger JK, Fauci AS [FN: Yes, him.] Predominant role of bacterial pneumonia as a cause of death in pandemic influenza: implications for pandemic influenza preparedness. J Infect Dis 2008 Oct;198 (published online Aug 18) [Full text]
"Histological and bacteriologic evidence suggests that the vast majority of influenza deaths resulted from secondary bacterial pneumonia."
"In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch," said Fauci in an NIAID news release.
Nearly all of the lung tissue examinations yielded "compelling histologic evidence of severe acute bacterial pneumonia, either as the predominant pathology or in conjunction with underlying pathologic features now believed to be associated with influenza virus infection," including damage to the bronchial epithelium, the report says. Bacteria were often present in "massive numbers."
At the time of the pandemic, nearly all experts agreed that deaths were almost never caused by the then-unidentified flu virus itself, "but resulted directly from severe secondary pneumonia caused by well-known bacterial 'pneumopathogens' that colonised the upper respiratory tract," the report states. The most common pathogens were pneumococci, streptococci, and staphylococci.
William Schaffner, MD, an influenza expert and chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville said, "The impressive thing is, though this is a tiny, tiny sample of what went on, they showed bacterial pneumonia was extraordinarily common," Schaffner said. "I think they make the point that it was in every one of the autopsy sections they examined. I have to tell you that made me sit up." Source
The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs
Pathologists of the time, were nearly unanimous in the conviction that deaths were not caused directly by the then-unidentified influenza virus, but rather resulted from severe secondary pneumonia caused by various bacteria. Without the secondary bacterial infections, many patients might have survived, experts at the time believed. Source
The Spanish flu did not originate in Spain. In a 1999 report, researchers identified a major troop staging and hospital camp in Étaples, France, as being at the centre of the Spanish flu. The research was published in 1999 by a British team, led by virologist John Oxford.
In 2000, an article published in 'The Independent' (Source: WebCite query result), cites an investigation into the deadly 1918 flu, showing it "almost certainly" started in an army camp in France in the middle of the World War I.
In 2014, historian Mark Humphries of Canada's Memorial University of Newfoundland, told the National Geographic that newly unearthed records "confirm" the mobilisation of 96,000 Chinese labourers to work behind the British and French lines on World War I's Western Front — may have been the source of the pandemic. (Source: 1918 Flu Pandemic That Killed 50 Million Originated in China, Historians Say) They were brought to Vancouver, Canada and by train to Halifax where they embarked to England and France. While in Canada their trip was kept secret and they were guarded and also prevented from leaving the train. Humphries discovered medical records indicating that more than 3,000 of the 25,000 Chinese Labor Corps workers who were transported across Canada en route to Europe starting in 1917, ended up in medical quarantine, many with flu-like symptoms. Some of the Chinese and some of the guards came down with flu like symptoms, much like that of the epidemic known as the “Spanish Flu.” After arriving in France many went to a Chinese hospital [!?*]. Hundreds of Chinese died there with respiratory illness similar to the flu.
The epidemic occurred apparently simultaneously in places as far apart as South Africa, India and Indonesia.
The first official cases of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic were recorded at the US Army's Camp Funston, Kansas. Source
The specific origins of the “Spanish flu” outbreak are unknown. In terms of geography, “France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States” according to the history channel [F: must be true then.] Source
The original source is still a mystery – some contemporaries believed that it originated in the far east, others in the unhygienic and overcrowded British military camp at Étapes in France. Source
[Reader’s Comment:] There was a program about the Spanish Flu on PBS. It's suggestion for the flu's origin was that an army camp where a large number of soldiers were mustered before leaving for Europe decided to rid itself of the huge pile of horse droppings left over from it's US Cavalry days by burning it, which filled the air with toxic smoke. The soldiers from that camp were the first ones to get sick, although not until they were overseas, so no one made the connection at first. The suggestion was that the flu virus was in the droppings. [F: but inflammable.] Source
Fort Riley is believed to be the origin of the world-wide epidemic that killed millions, says Robert Smith, director of the museum division at Fort Riley.
With a smirk, Smith told the scientists that patient zero was an Army cook named Albert Gitchell. "They thought it mutated from pigs and then infected some Soldiers, some draftees, from Pascal County, Kansas, and they came here to train at Fort Riley and then the first recorded flu case here was a cook of all people," he said.
Understanding the history of the 1918 Spanish Flu and how it spread through a military installation, across the nation and internationally helps scientists develop a larger picture on how viruses and diseases transform into pandemics and on to epidemics, said conference co-host Dr. Jürgen Richt, from Kansas State University's Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases. "It's history and it's very good that Fort Riley is a historic place and has a historian who is very able to describe well the history of how from Fort Riley these disease evolved and causes millions and millions of deaths," Richt said. "It's very important to have this historical perspective." [F: Was he trying to tell us something?] Source
The origin of the second wave of Spanish influenza, which would go on to produce the majority of infections and deaths associated with the pandemic, is more generally agreed upon - it apparently emerged in Southern England, specifically in Plymouth and Devonport. Source
In the spring of 1918, the disease emerged in pockets across the globe.
In the US, the first case was recorded on Monday, 11 March, 1918, at Fort Riley in Kansas, a military training camp. A cook, Albert Gitchell, reported to the hospital with a "bad cold". He was feverish, and complained of a sore throat, headache and muscular pains. By noon that day, 107 patients had been admitted with similar symptoms. Within five weeks, 1,127 men out of 26,000 in the camp, were infected.
It is thought to have originated in China [F: Self-contradiction.] Source
Some authors indicate that the influenza epidemic probably started in British Army camps in mainland Europe sometime during the period 1916–1917. However, there are also consistent data about its appearance in US Army training camps during the spring of 1918 and even more recent data suggest that the influenza epidemic could have started in New York City.
The Canadian Medical Association Journal published, “Under the name of Spanish influenza, an epidemic is sweeping over the North American Continent. It is said to have made its appearance first in Spain, hence Spanish influenza.” Source
The Spanish Flu ravaged Australia in 1919, leaving 15,000 dead within a year of the first case in January.
A total of 540 South Australians died as a result of Spanish Flu.
Australia's population stood at about five million at the time, and more than a third of all Australians were infected. Indigenous communities were hit particularly hard by the virus, which had a 50 per cent mortality rate among Aboriginal people.
The global mortality rate from the 1918/1919 pandemic is not known, but an estimated 10% to 20% of those who were infected died, with estimates of the total number of deaths ranging from 50-100 million people. Source
It killed more people in one year than the four-year "Black Death" Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351.
The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide.
According to official records, the Spanish flu killed some 675,000 Americans. Source
Researchers have continued to investigate the Spanish flu. Its exact death toll and case fatality rate — the total number of deaths out of the total number of recorded cases —are unknown because of incomplete and inaccurate records in some less-developed regions. Estimates range between 17.4 million and 100 million deaths worldwide. Alex Navarro is the assistant director of the Centre for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan. He's researched the effects of the 1918 and 2009 influenza pandemics for more than a decade. Despite the presence of death records in the United States, “It’s really just a guess," he said.
“What data there are tend to be inconsistent and of questionable validity, accuracy and robustness,” a 2002 study reads. Source
[Case fatality rate (CFR)—the proportion of known infections that result in death.]
Both newspapers and scientific journals frequently state three facts about the Spanish flu: It infected 500 million people (nearly one-third of the world population at the time); it killed between 50 and 100 million people; and it had a case fatality rate of 2.5 percent. This is not mathematically possible. For these ‘people’ figures to be true, the CFR would have to be 10 to 20 percent. If the CFR was in fact 2.5 percent and if 500 million were infected, then the death toll was 12.5 million. If the CFR was 2.5 percent and if the death toll was really 50 million, then the number of people infected was, at least, TWO BILLION! More than the number of people that existed at the time!
When W.H.O. director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced on March 3 that the novel coronavirus had a global case fatality rate of 3.4 percent, he was simply reporting known deaths divided by known cases, not an intelligent estimate or a definitive number. Source
The death rate was somewhat lower in the Japanese Army than in its European counterparts. Still, some 6-8 percent of victims of the influenza died. Overall, between 400,000 and 500,000 Japanese died of the Spanish Flu. Another 200,000 people died in Japanese-occupied Korea and Taiwan. Source
The [UK] death toll was less than a third of the 750,000 (i.e. >250,000) British fighting personnel who died in the war and a fraction of the estimated 50 million people who died worldwide throughout 1918 and 1919.
The Registrar General for Scotland’s yearly report covering 1918 recorded that at least 17,575 deaths that year were attributable to influenza. Source
In fact, the number of cases in Spain was lower than many other countries.
China had a lower number of casualties from the flu, which suggests that their population had prior immunity to it. Source
For many years, the public has been told that there was a flu epidemic in 1918-19, which claimed approximately 20 million lives. Currently, vaccine trolls already reach 100 million victims. The farther from 1918, the more dead bodies. Source
Global death toll estimates have been revised upwards in the decades since the pandemic. Initial assessments in the 1920's estimated deaths at around 21.5 million; this was subject to a recalculation in 1991 to between 24.7 and 39.3 million. A 2002 estimate put deaths at around fifty million, with an upper limit as high as a hundred million deaths. More recent estimates tend to fall in this broad range, with 40–50 million deaths being most commonly reported. Most of these deaths occurred over a four-month period in the autumn of 1918.
During the four months of the second wave, as many as 675,000 Americans, 300,000 Mexicans, and 50,000 Canadians would die from infection. Source
The influenza pandemic of 1918-19 claimed the lives of between 20 and 40 million people around the world, at least three times the number killed in the war.
Worst-hit was India where an estimated 12 million people died. By the end of the pandemic, a fifth of the world's population had fallen sick. No one escaped its effects.
Spain was hardest hit, with an estimated 8 million dead. Source
During the height of the Spanish flu, which hit in three waves from 1918 to 1920, everyone lived in fear. Source
The claim about the Spanish flu happening in multiple waves is correct, although the number of waves is still subject to debate. The U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention shows three waves on its website, although Navarro said “there’s generally considered to be four waves.” These waves started in March 1918 and ended in the summer 1919, according to the CDC. Some believe a fourth wave happened in select regions in 1920. It is true that the majority of U.S. deaths occurred during the fall 1918, the second wave of the pandemic, although exact death counts for each wave are unknown. The CDC calculated about 675,000 total deaths in the United States. Of those, about 195,000 happened during the second wave in October of 1918. That is roughly 28% of all U.S. deaths. Experts state the second wave was more severe because of genetic mutation, wartime movement and because it was “more likely to be accompanied by bacterial pneumonia,” per the 1991 study. Source
The illness swept the country [UK] in three waves – the first, in the early summer of 1918. The second wave in the autumn of the same year. The third, in the late winter in early 1919. Source
While the first and third waves were fairly mild, the second wave resulted in catastrophic global losses, with deaths reaching into the tens of millions. Source
It is likely that less than 260,000 Spaniards died of influenza; 75% of these persons died during the second period of the epidemic, and 45% died during October 1918 alone.
Some reports suggested that over 8 million Spaniards developed influenza. On 13 July 1918, the British Medical Journal cautioned about this figure: “The influenza that we read so much about in the daily papers...appears to have been particularly widespread in Spain during the month of May; that there were 8 million cases of the disease in that country, as it was alleged by the French press at the time, is a statement requiring perhaps a grain of salt for deglutition, but certainly pointing to a very heavy incidence” Source
(Colourised) Source
Measures put in place to control the Spanish Flu included mask wearing, large public gathering cancellations and school and border closures. Source
Control efforts worldwide were limited to non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as isolation, quarantine, good personal hygiene, use of disinfectants, and limitations of public gatherings, which were applied unevenly. Source
Municipal governments, in an attempt to halt the spread of the disease, closed all except necessary services. Provinces enacted laws regarding quarantine and enforced the wearing of masks in public. Although the Canadian population unhappily accepted these restrictions, it defied the federal government’s request that First World War victory celebrations be postponed until 1 December 1918. Source
In many towns, theatres, dance halls, churches and other public-gathering places were shut, some for months. Streets were sprayed with chemicals and people wore anti-germ masks. Some factories relaxed no-smoking rules believing that cigarettes would help prevent infection.
"Wash inside nose with soap and water each night and morning; force yourself to sneeze night and morning, then breathe deeply. Do not wear a muffler [a scarf that covers the mouth]; take sharp walks regularly and walk home from work; eat plenty of porridge." Source
In Spain, corpses were ordered to be buried as soon as possible, without the usual long ceremonies. Source
Anti-Influenza inoculation apparently being administered at a special depot in Sydney's Hyde Park, Australia, at the height of the epidemic. Source
Since there was no vaccine and no cure, we had to rely on quarantine, supportive medical care and the goodwill of the community. [F: This is totally untrue as can be seen above and as will be evidenced later.] Source
It was the era before antibiotics and vaccines. 10 years before penicillin, the first true antibiotic. Source
A vaccine against the flu did not exist at the time. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there was “no vaccine to protect against influenza infection and no antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections that can be associated with influenza infections”
According to the CDC report “Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999,” prior to 1900, the vaccines for smallpox, rabies, typhoid, cholera and plague had been developed in the U.S. The report states that “although the first vaccine against smallpox was developed in 1796, greater than 100 years later its use had not been widespread enough to fully control the disease… Four other vaccines -- against rabies, typhoid, cholera, and plague -- had been developed late in the 19th century but were not used widely by 1900.”
It is true that U.S. soldiers during World War I were subject to immunisation requirements.
During World War I, soldiers were given live smallpox and whole cell typhoid inoculations, as well as therapeutic tetanus and diphtheria antitoxins. Source
The scientists hypothesised that “a significant proportion” of deaths happened due to salicylate poisoning, as we hadn’t yet figured out the upper limit to how much aspirin people can safely consume. Source
[During 1918 – 1919] researchers and health workers in the United States and Europe were confidently devising vaccines and immunising hundreds of thousands of people in what amounted to a medical experiment on the grandest scale.
A few vaccines to prevent other diseases were available at the time -- smallpox vaccine had, of course, been used for more than 100 years; Louis Pasteur had developed rabies vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis after an encounter with a rabid animal; typhoid fever vaccines had been developed. Diphtheria antitoxin -- a medication made from the blood of previously infected animals -- had been used for treatment since the late 1800's; an early form of a diphtheria vaccine had been used; and experimental cholera vaccines had been developed. Almroth Wright had tested a whole-cell pneumococcal vaccine in South African gold miners in 1911. Manufacturers had developed and sold various mixed heat-killed bacterial stock vaccines of dubious usefulness.
By October 2, 1918, William H. Park, MD, head bacteriologist of the New York City Health Department, was working on a Pfeiffer's bacteria influenza vaccine. In November, the Newark Evening News reported that 39,000 doses of Leary-Park influenza vaccine had been prepared and that most doses were used. (Timothy Leary was a professor at Tufts University School of Medicine.) "...the average person need have no fear of the results of the vaccine. Neurotic and rheumatic individuals, however, appear to be sensitive to the vaccine, while children take it with less disturbance than adults"
By December 13, 1918, … vaccines made from Pfeiffer's bacilli appeared to have no effect on influenza prevention. Rather, ... a mixed bacterial vaccine (streptococcal, pneumococcal, staphylococcal, and Pfeiffer's bacilli) developed by E.C. Rosenow at the Mayo Foundation was an effective preventive. Well more than 500,000 doses of Rosenow vaccine were produced (Eyler, 2009). [F: Vaccination was made compulsory at this time in the US.]
University of Pittsburgh, Tulane University, and even private physicians were making their own vaccines. Convalescent serum was also used (Boston Post, January 6, 1919; Robertson & Koehler, 1918.)
Based on ...newspaper and medical journal articles from the time, it is clear that many hundreds of thousands, if not a million or more, doses of vaccines were produced during the pandemic years. Source
In 1918, effective vaccines and antibiotics to prevent influenza and treat secondary bacterial pneumonia were still decades away. Source
There were no treatments against the flu and no antibiotics to treat complications such as pneumonia. Source
The small array of treatments [in Spain] prescribed included symptomatic therapy with salicilates and quinine and codeine for cough. For persons who developed pneumonia, the therapeutic options were even fewer and included intramuscular or intravenous treatment with silver or platinum colloid solutions, digitalis, alcamphor oil, or adrenaline. Bleeding was often used. Some experimental vaccines were also tried, notably those including mixtures of pneumococci, streptococci, and Pfeiffer bacillus (Haemophilus influenzae.) Source
Spanish Flu symptoms were very similar to those of COVID-19 - patients would experience a shortness of breath and their lungs would fill with fluid.
Sufferers would also experience typical flu symptoms including a sore throat, headache and fever.
Other symptoms included pregnancy miscarriages among women `[F: I think that means miscarriages of pregnancy rather than pregnancy being a symptom,] teeth and hair loss, mouth and nosebleeds, dizziness, insomnia, blurred vision, delirium, among others...[head rotating, legs falling off... ?] Source
The flu, frequently complicated with pneumonia, was little understood at that time.
“It is only a matter of a few hours, then until death comes… and it is simply a struggle for air until they suffocate. It is horrible,” US Army Doctor Roy Grist said about the effects of the so-called “Spanish flu”. Source
Pneumonia contracted by a patient weakened by influenza, rather than influenza itself, was the major cause of death. A long-term consequence for some victims was the development of a parkinsonian syndrome, including a marked tremor. Source
In the early stages of the epidemic, deaths were often attributed to ‘PUO’ (a pyrexia of unknown origin) but later deaths were recorded as ‘Spanish Flu’ or, more commonly, ‘influenza.’
The Registrar General for Scotland’s yearly report covering 1918 confirmed that at least 17,575 deaths that year were attributable to influenza. This was probably an underestimation; some deaths were ascribed to other causes and complications due to the presence of influenza, for example, ‘bronchitis’ or ‘pneumonia’.
Studies have found that the majority of deaths during the Spanish flu were actually due to bacterial pneumonia, which took hold immediately after the virus. Source
At first [it] seemed as benign as the common cold.
In a letter dated 29 September 1918, published in the British Medical Journal in 1979, Professor Roy Grist, a Glasgow physician, described the deadly impact of the infection. "It starts with what appears to be an ordinary attack of la grippe. When brought to the hospital, [patients] very rapidly develop the most vicious type of pneumonia that has ever been seen. Two hours after admission, they have mahogany spots over the cheek bones, and a few hours later you can begin to see the cyanosis [blueness due to lack of oxygen] extending from their ears and spreading all over the face. It is only a matter of a few hours then until death comes and it is simply a struggle for air until they suffocate. It is horrible." Source
Spanish Flu affected healthy young adults more than children, the elderly or those with weak immune systems.
Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Source
It was the 20, 30, & 40-year-olds that were hardest hit. Source
Japan displayed the same “W” shape of morbidity that appeared in the West (the flu killed the young, the old, and a high percentage of young adults). Source
[UK] The first wave mainly claimed the very young, elderly and sick. In the second wave half of the deaths were people aged between 20-40 years old. It wasn’t unknown for healthy adults to die within a day of catching the virus. The third, in the late winter in early 1919, was also powerful and produced a high mortality rate. Source
One very peculiar aspect of the whole thing was the fact that the Spanish flu mostly affected healthy, young adults, It was one of the most perplexing parts of it all, as it flew against everything we thought we knew about flu outbreaks or disease in general. According to recent research, it has a perfectly plausible explanation. People born between 1880 and 1900—the most-affected demographic—never developed immunity toward the right type of flu viruses. The flu that was most prominent during their childhoods was distinctly different from the Spanish flu. Those born earlier in the 19th century had been exposed to flu viruses more like the Spanish flu and thus had better immunity. [F: Which they didn’t inherit from their parents?] Source
The pandemic strain differed from seasonal epidemics in terms of its disproportionate burden among young people, particularly previously healthy individuals between 18 and 40 years of age. While the reasons for this are poorly understood, one possible explanation relates to the role of infection in turning the immune system against itself, triggering a dangerous and potentially deadly cytokine storm. Consequently, those with the most robust immune systems may have been at greatest risk. Source
In 1920, a Ministry of Health report noted that unlike ordinary seasonal flu, which was worst in the elderly, weak and sick, the new illness disproportionately struck those aged 20 to 30. Young adults with the strongest immune systems were, unexpectedly, the most vulnerable. Source
In Spain; mortality rates were higher among persons aged <1 year and among those aged 25–29 years. Source
Newspapers were free to report the epidemic's effects in Spain, creating a false impression of Spain as being especially hard hit - and leading to the pandemic's nickname Spanish flu. Source
In Spain, however, people nicknamed the new influenza strain Soldado de Napoles or “Soldier of Naples,” after a song in a popular Spanish operetta. The hit song was so catchy it was said to spread like the flu.
The 1918 flu pandemic, also referred to as the Spanish flu (Code name: “Disease XI” in the US and France.) Source
Many historians have described [it] as the “greatest medical holocaust in human history.” Source
Soldiers in the trenches in France became ill with what was known as la grippe.
Recovery was swift and doctors at first called it "three-day fever."
Spain was hardest hit, with an estimated eight million dead [LIE] which led the BMJ [British Medical Journal] to label the disease "Spanish flu." Source
Since its beginning, the epidemic has been called the Spanish flu (or the “Spanish Lady.”) In Spain, the influenza was also known as The French Flu.
The Canadian Medical Association Journal published, “Under the name of Spanish influenza, an epidemic is sweeping over the North American Continent. It is said to have made its appearance first in Spain, hence Spanish influenza.” Source
The close quarters and massive troop movements of World War I hastened the pandemic and probably both increased transmission and augmented mutation, researchers believe. Source
Widespread throughout the world within a short period after World War I.
The French territory of New Caledonia in the South Pacific did not experience an outbreak until July 1921, escaping with just a mild form of the disease. [F: Make your mind up.] Source
The flu arrived in Britain via ports in Glasgow. Source
Despite poor or absent data for many countries, the virus is believed to have infected over half of the world’s population at the time. From Plymouth, Southern England, the merchant ship Mantua transported the virus to Freetown [F: They know the name of the ship that the virus boarded?!*], Sierra Leone, then across Africa. Meanwhile, New Zealand soldiers sailing to and from the War in Europe were also infected when they stopped in Freetown. Around this time, a boat from Plymouth landed in Boston, seeding the infection in North America. [By “infection" do they mean the “Founding Fathers" or the virus?] Source
Because of their seasonal travel by railroad, migrant unskilled Spanish and Portuguese workers were a likely source for the introduction and spread of the influenza virus in Spain. Starting in central and southern France (close to the battlefields and Army camps) and following the railway path from north to east (Portugal) and from north to south (Andalusia), the influenza spread throughout nearly all of Spain's provinces. Source
Forty million people had lost their lives. The death rate was 25 times higher than in a normal flu epidemic (2.5 per cent compared with 0.1 per cent). Which leaves us with the question: Will the next pandemic be as bad? Today, as the world prepares for the next influenza pandemic which England's chief medical officer [1998-2010], Sir Liam Donaldson, says is now inevitable, there are clues from the earlier catastrophe that demonstrate what we may face.
[Sir Liam Donaldson is the World Health Organisation’s envoy for patient safety and chairman of the independent monitoring board for the Polio Eradication Programme. In the UK, he is chancellor of Newcastle University, professor of Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and honorary distinguished professor at Cardiff University.]
Although the world has changed beyond recognition in 85 years, and people are stronger, better nourished and better housed, with better-equipped hospitals and drugs to fight the coming infection, and if the pandemic is as serious as experts say it could be, we will still rely heavily on many of the measures used then for our survival.
Some say modern standards of living and medical care means we have less to fear than our forebears in 1918. But that depends on the nature of the virus that emerges from the mixing of avian flu and human flu in the Far East that is expected to generate the next pandemic. It could happen next year or not for a decade. It could be mild or it could be more severe [F: Or it could be imaginary.]. There is no way of knowing until it strikes. Source
The cause and timing of the next influenza pandemic cannot be predicted with certainty, the authors acknowledge, nor can the virulence of the pandemic influenza virus strain. However, it is possible that — as in 1918 — a similar pattern of viral damage followed by bacterial invasion could unfold, say the authors. Preparations for diagnosing, treating and preventing bacterial pneumonia should be among highest priorities in influenza pandemic planning, they write. “We are encouraged by the fact that pandemic planners are already considering and implementing some of these actions," says Dr. Fauci. [F: Yes, that fecker.] Source
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Well, let’s see if we can clarify any of this by going back further, into the last century.
In 1991 a study was published entitled “The Geography and Mortality of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic” by K. David Palterson and Gerald E Ryle. The mortality rates in this study clearly became the source for the 50-100 million figures that have become so widespread in this century.
Other findings of the report were not repeated however...
“The antigenic composition of the 1918 viruses, while believed to fall in the H1N1 group, is not certain. The extreme virulence of the fall wave has never been explained. Both the nature of the virus itself and accompanying bacterial pneumonias may be involved.”
“The spring wave moved as far east as Poland and Rumanía, but it did not reach Russia. Sub-Saharan Africa was also spared. Ships did, however, transport the virus in the lungs of passengers to Bombay in May, whence it advanced over the railroad network to much of the rest of the Indian subcontinent."
“There is no evidence to support theories that the spring Wave began in China and was brought to North America and then to France by Chinese labourers on their way to the Western Front. This notion seems to have originated in wartime German propaganda and from an erroneous association between influenza and bubonic plague, which was then active in parts of China."
“Overall mortality rates were low in the spring wave, as in previous influenza pandemics, but in some places there seemed to have been disproportionately high mortality rates among young adults, even in civilian populations. “This suggests that there was indeed a close relationship between the spring virus and the deadly strain that covered the globe later in the year.”
“The Maori of New Zealand had 1,130 deaths, for a rate of 22.6 per thousand, typical of a poor country rather than a prosperous one.” Australian Aborigines experienced higher rates than the white population,” and in the United States case-mortality rates for Indians were four times as high as those for general city populations
“Death totals for British India, which included modern Pakistan and Bangladesh, are by far the highest for any single country and provide the largest single source of uncertainty for Asian and world mortality totals... the real total was at least 16 million and was probably 20 million or more. A more recent study strongly suggests that the best estimate is about 17—18 million. Although we accept this figure, table 1 shows a possible range of 12.5-20 million deaths in India. [F: “Going once, going twice! Any advance on 20 million?]… In India, as elsewhere, there was a remarkably high age-specific mortality rate among young adults.
“Not all of the victims of influenza died quickly. It now seems probable that the Wave of encephalitis lethargica, a mysterious brain disease observed from 1919 to 1928, was a late complication of influenza infection. If so, more than half a million additional deaths may be attributed to the pandemic.“
Russia and Sub-Saharan Africa escaped. Did they vaccinate I wonder? Rather than travelling by lung to India, I’m sure the British were vaccinating everyone in sight. “Encephalitis lethargica, a mysterious brain disease,” is also a recognised side-effect of vaccines. Please take note of the figures for the Maori, Australian Aborigines and Native Americans and indeed the Indians of India – there will be a test later.
“The answer appears to be around 1968. That was the year that the author Charles Graves, prompted by a new pandemic of "Hong Kong" flu, published Invasion by Virus. This was followed in 1974 by Richard Collier's Plague of the Spanish Lady. Drawing on the personal testimonies of over 1,700 flu survivors, Collier was the first to capture the horror and panic as the flu circumnavigated the globe.” Or didn't, as the case may be. Source
What follows has been compiled from various 20th century sources dating back to the event itself...
Research programs throughout history have used the armed forces as guinea pigs for vaccine development. This began around the time of the First World War when there was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against.
Healthy young adult soldiers suffering from infantile paralysis filled the hospitals in 1912. This was a common side-effect of the Polio vaccine, which is why they changed the name of the disease.
During the European conflict, the death rate from typhoid rose to the highest point in history. Bacterial Pneumonia became the number one killer with Meningitis in second place. The deaths occurred after the injections were given in sanitary hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, the UK and America, where sanitation had been practised for years.
The Detention Centre at Funston Camp, near Fort Riley, Kansas
'Ground Zero' Source
By the time the USA entered the war in 1917 their soldiers had been turned into biological weapons that spread a deadly infection worldwide and caused the worst genocide in history. It began at Fort Riley, Kansas, USA, with multiple experimental vaccinations that got out of control and created an even deadlier form of typhoid. To combat this they devised yet another vaccine which gave birth to a truly monstrous disease. Both the soldiers and the new killer vaccine were sent out into the world like one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Eventually millions people were killed and it was all blamed on Spain by calling it the ‘Spanish Flu’.
The Laboratory and Associated Buildings of The Department of Animal Pathology of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Near Princeton, N. J. (not mud-flooded, it had a specifically built basement) Source: as below
“Fortunately the Institute had made contributions looking toward the prevention and the curative treatment of disease which offered immediate application to the medical problems likely to arise in connection with the greatly enlarged personnel of the United States Army and Navy. For example, curative serums for epidemic meningitis and for one of the forms of pneumonia had been worked out here.
“The war activities of the Institute may be divided into three classes: first, the establishment of teaching courses in the surgical treatment of wounds, in bacteriology, specific treatment of pneumonia, cardiography, clinical chemistry, and the .technical side of bacteriology and histology; second, special research work in various aspects of bacteriology, immunology, biochemistry of antiseptics, chemotherapy, effects of poison gas, acetone formation, and the methods of preparing certain drugs of German origin employed as therapeutic agents; and third, the production of serum on a large scale for the treatment of meningitis, pneumonia, and dysentery [F: i.e. typhoid].
“Treatment of Pneumonia. One of the most serious menaces to the health of our troops has been pneumonia. The serum developed at the Hospital of the Institute for the treatment of so called Type I pneumonia having been demonstrated to be efficacious, it was imperative that military surgeons of the United States should be familiar with the best methods of its application.
“A series of studies was undertaken on the occurrence and characters of hemolytic and other streptococci which had been found to be of serious import in certain pneumonias, complicating measles, and influenza, especially in military establishments.
“Researches on pneumococcic and meningococcic vaccine and on meningitis carriers were carried on in the Institute in New York or in field studies in various military camps and cantonments.”
“In order to help meet the suddenly increased demand for the curative serums worked out at the Institute, a special stable for horses was quickly erected and a special and suitable laboratory staff assembled at the Department of Animal Pathology. In undertaking serum manufacture on a large scale, the officers of the Institute had another object in view; namely, the standardisation of the product. This latter consideration became of high importance in establishing standards for the commercial producers. Three kinds of curative serums were manufactured in quantity; namely, antimeningococcic, antipneumococcic Type I, and antidysenteric (polyvalent) [F: i.e. antityphoid.]
“Reference should be made to the fact that before the United States entered the war, the Institute had resumed the preparation of antimeningococcic serum, in order to meet the requests from England, France, Belgium, Italy, and other countries.”
Please note from the above that in 1919 the greatest health threats were stated as being pneumonia and meningitis. The pamphlet quoted from above has 30 pages and the word “influenza” appears only twice - never with regard to research or any epidemic present at the time. Also pneumonia was considered to complicate influenza, not the other way around, whereby influenza causes pneumonia by killing all the cells in the nasal and bronchial passageways. Also the condition mentioned as ‘dysentery’ also covers typhoid as the vaccines are the same.
What is also clear is that the Rockerfeller Institute was carrying out vaccine experiments on US Army and Navy Recruits. There was even a specific publication dedicated to it:
“Monograph No. 10.
The pathology of the pneumonia in the United States Army camps during the winter of 1917-18. Plates 1-53. Maccallum, William G. (Issued April 16, 1919.) Price, $1.50.”
This is further confirmed by this: “A Report on Antimeningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in The Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers. By Frederick L. Gates, M. D. First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, U. S. Army. (From the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas, and The Rockefeller Institute/or Medical Research, New York.)” (Received for publication, July 20, 1918.)
“Following an outbreak of epidemic meningitis at Camp Funston, Kansas, in October and November, 1917, a series of antimeningitis vaccinations was undertaken on volunteer subjects from the camp… a preliminary series of vaccinations on a relatively small number of volunteers served to determine the appropriate doses and the resultant local and general reactions. Following this series, the vaccine was offered by the Division Surgeon to the camp at large, and given by the regimental surgeons to all who wished to take it. The vaccine used was made in the laboratory of The Rockefeller Institute.
“Dosage determination: a small number of the men in each group reported some local or general discomfort following the vaccination. The symptom most frequently mentioned was a "feverish sensation" often accompanied by headache, which was sometimes severe enough to cause loss of sleep... In a few instances there was transient nausea, malaise, or aching joint pains, and three reactions were initiated with a chill. Eight men had general reactions after the first and second doses, or after the second and third, and three complained of discomfort after all three injections.
“The vaccine used in the general series of inoculations in the camp was made by Lieutenant Peter K. Olitsky at The Rockefeller Institute. According to the statistics of the division headquarters, the total strength of the 89th Division at this time was approximately 25,000 officers and men. Of these, 4,792 (19per cent) took the first injection, 4,257 (17 per cent) the second also, and 3,702 (15 per cent) completed the series.
“Part of the men received the full dosage as planned. About half of those vaccinated, whose third injection was due after February 4, 1918, were given a final injection of 4,000 million, on account of the occurrence of several fairly severe reactions from the larger dose among medical officers at Fort Riley. In some regiments the vaccinations had been completed before February 5.
“Among the units who took the third injections before the dosage was reduced, and so received a third dose of 8,000 million meningococci, there were several instances of fairly severe reactions, general and local, which necessitated relief from duty the following day. As in the preliminary series, the factor of individual susceptibility was prominent, a few officers and men suffering severely…
“The reactions, therefore, occasionally simulated the onset of epidemic meningitis and several vaccinated men were sent as suspects to the Base Hospital for diagnosis. In the interval between January 21 when the vaccination was started in the camp and June 4, 46 cases of meningitis are reported to have entered the Base Hospital at Fort Riley. Of these patients, three had received one, two, or three injections of antimeningitis vaccine.”
A total of 1,090 men were missing by the time of the 3rd dose. Perhaps they shipped out to Europe or maybe they were in the Fort Riley hospital? Dr. Gates’ prefers not to mention it. However, there is a separate reference to it on the internet:
“Shortly before breakfast on Monday, March 11, the first domino would fall signalling the commencement of the first wave of the 1918 influenza. Company cook Albert Gitchell reported to the camp infirmary with complaints of a “bad cold.” Right behind him came Corporal Lee W. Drake voicing similar complaints. By noon, camp surgeon Edward R. Schreiner had over 100 sick men on his hands, all apparently suffering from the same malady.” Source
Quite amazingly though this website turns out to be the source of the burning manure story associated with Camp Funston.
One case of the vaccine ‘reaction’ is described thus:
“Case 3 - J. C. N., Private, Company B, 340th Machine Gun Battalion.
Jan. 24, 1918. 1st injection 2,000 million.
Jan. 31. 2nd injection 4,000 million.
Feb. 8. 3rd injection 4,000 million. Reactions not reported.
Mar. 31. Acute otitis media and right frontal sinusitis.
Apr. 16. Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis.
Apr. 24. Cerebrospinal fluid found positive for meningococcus for the last time.
Apr. 27. Ulcer of right cornea followed by slight opacity with slight impair-
ment of vision.
May 5. Right facial paralysis which has since improved considerably.
Private N. will be ready for assignment to domestic military service about
July 1, 1918.” Source: A Report on Antimeningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in The Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers, By Frederick L. Gates, M. D.
There were further antics at Fort Riley/Camp Funston later in the same year that warranted a report being made to the Surgeon General. This time it was regarding cases of Pneumonia at Camp Funston and was published in the January 1919 edition of the Journal of the American Medicine Association. It covered the period between July 23 and Aug. 31, 1918.
“including Detention Camp No. 1 for white troops and Detention Camp No. 2 for coloured troops, in the 311th Cavalry stationed, at Fort Riley... During the period of the investigation, there has been no large outbreak of pneumonia at Camp Funston. The average number of cases has been two a day, the total number studied being 62. [F: 39 days @ 2 per day = 78] The number of troops in the camp has been approximately 42,000. Pneumonia of this period has in considerable part affected negro troops from Southern states… This Pneumonia of newly drafted troops has presented characters that deserve special consideration. During our study, cases of pneumonia from two drafts of coloured troops have been fairly numerous. In the period from June 19 to 23, 5982 drafted coloured men reached Camp Funston… Among these drafted men, between June 15 and August 3l, sixty-nine cases of pneumonia have occurred. Among 12,000 white men drafted in June there has been only one case of pneumonia.[F: 69 + 1 = 70, another new figure.]”
Emergency Hospital, Camp Funston, Kansas,1918 (Colourised) Source
Why were the cases of pneumonia so much higher amongst black draftees? Were they given the same vaccines as the white soldiers? Were the vaccines segregated as well as the living quarters?
Incidentally on this page here, there are links to the following:
“An excerpt for the memoirs of a survivor at Camp Funston of the pandemic Survivor.
A collection of letters of a soldier stationed in Camp Funston Soldier.“
All I get is ‘This site can’t be reached’ for both links.
The following is from: ‘The Poisoned Needle’ by Eleanor McBean, 1957
“The Report of the Surgeon General of the US Army, (1918) gives me the number of admissions to hospitals during the year 1917, on account of vaccinia and vaccinal-typhoid combined as 19,608. The Report for 1919, vol. I, page 37, gives the number of admissions to hospitals during the year 1918, on account of vaccinia (vaccination disease) as 10,830. Here we find that in only two years of the war and in only one army there were over 30,000 soldiers hospitalised by vaccination. This does not take into consideration the thousands who were seriously ill but not critical enough to be hospitalised, nor the cases of chronic disease that developed later as a result of the cumulative effects of poisons from vaccines and drugs.”
“Sir William Osler, the famous British physician wrote an article in the "Lancet" (renowned British medical journal) on this subject. (Nov. 28, 1914) An excerpt is as follows
‘Perhaps the best chapter in British sanitation is that which deals with sanitation and typhoid fever.. . . It has been well said that enteric fever is the sanitary index of a country; and that today our camps are not hot-beds of the disease is a result of more than half a century of intelligent and efficient sanitation.’
“It was during World War I when vaccination was enforced to the fullest extent, that the death rate from typhoid rose to the highest point in history— even higher than it had been during the pre-sanitation days of the Spanish American War. This 1917-1920 death rate could not be blamed on bad sanitation or spoiled food as was the case in the tropics. The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had been practised for years. There was no typhoid in the camps before vaccination, so it couldn’t be blamed on contagion. The only reason for this extremely high death toil was the blood-poisoning practice of vaccination.”
“In the book ‘Medical Voodoo’ by A.R. Hale, the author states on page 185: "In World War I, in the French Army alone, there were 113,165 cases of typhoid with 12,380 deaths up to Oct. 1916. Anti-typhoid inoculations were made compulsory in the French Army in March, 1918.
“Another news item says: "Hundreds of inoculated soldiers in India have contracted typhoid or paratyphoid and the Army Medical Department reports record at least 200 deaths among inoculated men." Source: ‘Swine Flu Expose,’ E. McBean Ph.D., N.D. 1977
This photo appears in many places across the internet in relation to the 1918 pandemic, but it’s never made clear exactly what it represents or where/when it was taken.
(Colourised version) Source
So, it would seem highly unlikely that the unsanitary conditions claimed as being either the cause or the carrier of the pandemic, didn’t actually exist, besides typhoid and influenza are very different diseases. Here we also have news of the British vaccinating Indian soldiers.
“I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war [WWI]. That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to the soldiers. We can imagine the damage that all these shots did to the men.” Source: ‘Swine Flu Expose,’ E. McBean Ph.D., N.D. 1977
It would appear that the antics of Dr Gates & Co. at Fort Riley in Kansas were either far more widespread than he described in his report or there were other ‘experiments’ going on at the same time.
“When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines. They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation — the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years [1970’s] that researchers have been digging up the facts and laying the blame where it belongs.” Source: ‘Swine Flu Expose,’ E. McBean Ph.D., N.D. 1977
Heinrich Mueller Source
There is a similar story circulating the internet that allegedly comes from the 1948 CIA Interrogation of Heinrich Mueller, former head of the Gestapo. The information comes from a book published in 1997 and entitled ‘Gestapo Chief: the 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Muller: Vol 2’ by Gregory Douglas – apparently a pseudonym for Muller’s nephew who was the beneficiary of all his papers. The original Interrogation is 800 pages. The Memoirs are 250 pages. The microfilmed Archive apparently covers 850,000 pages. Mueller claimed that the influenza pandemic of 1918-19 was man-made,“But, it got out of control and instead of killing the Germans who had surrendered by then, it turned back on you, and nearly everybody else.”
Mueller is purported to have said that the flu started as a US army bacteriological warfare experiment that somehow infected US army ranks at Camp Riley, Kansas, in March 1918, got out of control and spread around the world. (Camp Funston or Fort Riley, not Camp Riley or Fort Funston… if this type of confusion is indicative of his recall then we should be cautious.) He claims that his source for this information comes from General Walter Schreiber, Chief of the Medical Corps of the German Army, who in 1944 attended a Nazi bacteriological warfare conference in Berlin where he told Mueller that he had spent two months in the US in 1927 conferring with his counterparts. They told him that the “so-called double blow virus” (i.e. Spanish Flu) was developed and used during the 1914 war. The first blow attacked the immune system and made the victim susceptible, fatally so, to the second blow which was a form of pneumonia. Schreiber also told him that a British scientist developed it. Source
“The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the man. There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc.
“The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market.
“The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors don’t tell them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left American soil.” Source: ‘Swine Flu Expose,’ E. McBean Ph.D., N.D. 1977
It was not only vaccine manufacturers propaganda that spread the vaccines. The US government passed a law for compulsory vaccination in or around December 1918, just one month after the war ended, as witnessed here:
“Compulsory Vaccination,” Des Moines Register, December 31, 1918 p6.
“Discussion of the compulsory vaccination law will be had at a public meeting called for the night on Thursday, Jan. 2, at the Auditorium. Several speakers are expected to be present from other cities to talk on the subject.
“The meeting is designed to crystallise sentiment against the compulsory vaccination of school children and possibly to make plans for modification of the law during the coming session of the legislature.”
A doctor inoculates Major Peters of Boston against the Spanish Influenza virus during the epidemic circa 1918 Source
I’m sure this was happening in many other countries, not just America, but the evidence is very hard to find.
“All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases — or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.” Source: ‘Swine Flu Expose,’ E. McBean Ph.D., N.D. 1977
All of these different diseases seem to have been reported as ‘Spanish Influenza’ regardless of their true nature. Whether this practice actually happened at the time or if it is the result of historical ‘adjustments’ is difficult to ascertain.
(Colourised) Source
Eleanora McBean (the author) was not only a doctor, but also an eye-witness of the pandemic.
“That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease.
“When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as the schools, businesses — even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. We seemed to be the only family which didn’t get the flu; so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to look after the sick, as it was impossible to get a doctor then. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to attack us children and cause anything. None of our family had the flu — not even a sniffle— and it was in the winter with deep snow on the ground.” Source: ‘Swine Flu Expose,’ E. McBean Ph.D., N.D. 1977
With regard to contagion, a report entitled ‘Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza,’ Milton J. Rosenau, M.D., Boston, was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association on August the 2nd 1919. (Thanks to stolenhistory.net member Silent Bob for this.)
“The experiments here described were performed on an island in Boston Harbor, on volunteers obtained from the Navy. The volunteers were all of the most susceptible age, mostly between 18 and 25, only a few of them around 30 years old ; and all were in good physical condition. None of these volunteers, 100 all told in number, had "influenza ;" that is, from the most careful histories that we could elicit, they gave no account of a febrile attack of any kind during the winter, except a few who were purposely selected, as having shown a typical attack of influenza, in order to test questions of immunity, and for the purpose of control.
“We proceeded rather cautiously at first by administering a pure culture of bacillus of influenza, Pfeiffer's bacillus, in a rather moderate amount, into the nostrils of a few of these volunteers… As the preliminary trials proved negative, we became bolder, and selecting nineteen of our volunteers, gave each one of them a very large quantity of a mixture of thirteen different strains of the Pfeiffer bacillus… None of these volunteers who received the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way.
“Our next experiment consisted in injections of blood. We took five donors, five cases of influenza in the febrile stage, some of them again quite early in the disease… None of them took sick in any way. Then we collected a lot of mucous material from the upper respiratory tract, and filtered ' it through Mandler filters. While these filters will hold back the bacteria of ordinary size, they will allow "ultramicroscopic" organisms to pass. This filtrate was injected into ten volunteers, each one receiving 3.5 c.c. subcutaneously, and none of these took sick in any way. The next experiment was designed to imitate the natural way in which influenza spreads, at least the way in which we believe influenza spreads, and I have no doubt it does—by human contact.
“After our volunteer had had this sort of contact with the patient, talking and chatting and shaking hands with him for five minutes, and receiving his breath five times, and then his cough five times directly in his face, he moved to the next patient whom we had selected, and repeated this, and so on, until this volunteer had had that sort of contact with ten different cases of influenza, in different stages of the disease, mostly fresh cases, none of them more than three days old. We will remember that each one of the ten volunteers had that sort of intimate contact with each one of the ten different influenza patients. They were watched carefully for seven days—and none of them took sick in any way.
“I think we must be very careful not to draw any positive conclusions from negative results of this kind. [F: eh?!]
“Dr. McCoy, who with Dr. Richey, did a similar series of experiments on Goat Island, San Francisco, used volunteers who, so far as known, had not been exposed to the outbreak at all, also had negative results, that is, they were unable to reproduce the disease. Perhaps there are factors, or a factor, in the transmission of influenza that we do not know. As a matter of fact, we entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”
[F: As the song goes, “They know what they know, but they don't know what they know, they just strut, WTF?"]
Dr Eleanora McBean is convinced it was not. We have also seen that, the major cause of death has been proven to be pneumonia. In 1919, even the Rockerfeller Institute considered that influenza was a complication to pneumonia, today it is considered the cause of pneumonia in that influenza weakens the body and ‘allows’ the pneumonia bacteria in… conveniently.
The following is from: ‘The Flim Flam Flu’ by William Brady MD. Published in the Atlanta Constitution 1919.
“A special committee of the American Public Health Association, having made a special investigation and study of the epidemia of the so-called influenza, has made a report to the association. Referring to the nature of the epidemic, the report says, among other things:
‘There is no known laboratory method by which an attack of influenza can be differentiated from an ordinary cold or bronchitis or other inflammations of the mucus membranes of the nose, pharynx or throat. There is no known laboratory method by which it can be determined when a person who has suffered from influenza ceases to be capable of transmitting the disease to others.’
"In other words, it is purely a matter of the attending physician’s judgement whether the illness shall be dubbed ‘influenza’ or not. And it is purely a matter of the attending physician’s judgement whether the individual who has recovered from the ‘flu’ may or may not be safely permitted to mingle with susceptible persons.
“In many cities the ‘flu’ has been made a reportable disease. In some cities, when cases are reported to the health department the homes or residences are placarded and an isolation of a certain arbitrary period – usually two weeks – is required.” [He goes on to say that microscopical examination of samples from different communities reveals a wide variety and inconsistent set of different ‘germs.’ Usually only one in ten shows the influenza bacillus. Some physicians have prepared vaccines from these samples with good results in their local community. However, the same vaccine has no effect in another community.] No doubt the explanation is that the ‘flu’ is not the same disease, bacteriological, in all parts of the country." [He states that influenza vaccines have been given in Army Camps with no success whatsoever.]
The major difference between the 1918 pandemic and the 2020 one is the word “virus.” They didn’t use it back then. The influence of influenza – which is what the word actually means – has been forced, manufactured into a ‘virus.’ It can be diagnosed easily because it’s something that we all carry around naturally. If you don’t have the symptoms then you’re a carrier, or a ‘cloud adult.’ (Look up the truly tragic story of Typhoid Mary.)
You may consider that the Rockerfeller Institute/Fort Riley/bio-weapon story is just another ‘darned conspiracy theory’ and you are perfectly entitled to that opinion. Just imagine though that it isn’t. The War killed 20 million (this figure keeps creeping up as well.) The vaccines killed another – let’s say 30 million as a conservative estimate. 50 million people were killed over a 6 year period. That’s genocide on a scale never seen before in recorded history. You could make that figure 120 million using modern estimates. Let’s be clear, these were not acts of God.
Then almost exactly 100 years later, the same drama plays out again. The script is the same, only the players have changed. Instead of the war against Germany, it’s a war against influenza itself that gives the opportunity for vaccinations, which later triggers the pandemic of a new deadly virus.
What is this? Is it some kind of centennial sacrificial ritual slaughter? Is it a contract, a covenant that must be renewed every 100 years? I draw your attention to the highly disturbing ‘Predictions’ section in the early part of this post. Were these predictions or simply a regular appointment?
There are, as always, other points of view. Given our recent experience and depending upon one’s individual interpretation of that experience, maybe the 1918 pandemic was as much a sham as the 2020 one. Clearly people died in 2020, from neglect, complications brought on by inadequate care and/or medical ineptitude – in other words the measures of control and state of emergency themselves were (and still are) a significant contributor to the causes of death. However, in terms of deaths in 2020 from ‘The Virus’ itself, the statistics are highly suspect and the media reports scandalous.
One of a set of highly staged photographs supposedly from the pandemic (Colourised) Source
It’s worth quoting a from a speech attributed to John Swinton on April 12, 1883, at the Twilight Club, New York City, during a dinner for journalists.
“There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with…The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon…You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” Source
This was 35 years before the 1918 pandemic, so why should we believe the press reports of that time any more than we should believe those of our own time? There is evidence of what would be called these days ‘Influenza Deniers.’ There were protests and acts of defiance just as there are now – if you look for them beyond the mainstream media. Also, try as I might, I have found it virtually impossible to find photographs relating to the 1918 pandemic from anywhere other than the USA, which is very odd considering it was supposed to be worldwide. I found a handful from Australia and cartoons from Belgium. Furthermore, 98% of all the information presented above comes originally from America. Is this significant or just an effect of my limited language skills? What about Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Greenland? Were they involved in the pandemic… either of the pandemics? Russia escaped, so they say, or did Russia simply not play along?
Before wrapping this up there’s one more aspect I would like to cover…
Administering a smallpox inoculation to a child. Source
“The disease effected Native people more than it affected any other group... There were three avenues of prevention available to the residents of Victoria. The first was vaccination or inoculation. The second was isolation--the quarantine and care for victims at some distance from healthy populations. The third available course of action was expulsion--forcing victims to move away from healthy populations without offering any help or aid. All three of these options were employed in Victoria to varying degrees with varying results. The media, government, church and medical community all had a hand to play in the drama of the 1862 smallpox epidemic.
"Source: Daily British Colonist, 28 April 1862. 'Were it likely that the disease would only spread among the Indians, there might be those among us like our authorities who would rest undisturbed, content that smallpox will rid this community of a moral ulcer that has festered at our doors through the last four years.'
“Vaccination is the more commonly used term which actually consists of a "safe" injection of a sample taken from a cow suffering from cowpox... Inoculation, a practice probably as old as the disease itself, is the injection of the variola virus taken from a pustule or scab of a smallpox sufferer into the superficial layers of the skin, commonly on the upper arm of the subject. Often inoculation was done 'arm to arm' or less effectively 'scab to arm'…
“The first step that the government took was to order the Natives to be vaccinated, ‘By order of the Government, some thirty Indians were vaccinated on Wednesday by Dr. Helmcken.’
“It is possible that the high mortality rate was at least partly due to the ineffectiveness of the vaccine... Often, for various reasons the vaccine "did not take" and had to be repeated or the patient fell ill with the disease. As well, since inoculation produced symptoms of the disease, the person inoculated could be infectious and sometimes even develop a full-blown case of smallpox.
"Source: Daily British Colonist, 8th May 1862 'We call the particular attention of the authorities, and all parties interested, to the spread of the small pox of the most virulent type among the Indians. We would impress upon them the necessity of the prompt removal of every Indian, whether male or female, from the town and vicinity. They should be sent to some place remote from the whites, and that without a moment’s delay. Else we shall in all probability have to record among our white population many serious losses from the infection. Among the Indians, the disease is making frightful inroads... It has passed into a proverb in this country that ‘it is better to have the small pox than have anything to do with the government;’ but are we apparently to be cursed with both?
"A delegation of the Native Nuu-chah-nulth people met with the Governor, relating a story told to them that Gov. Douglas was about to send the smallpox among them for the purpose of killing off the tribe and getting their land. They were assured that they had been hoaxed and left the next day for their home...
“...the authorities eventually did exactly what they said they wouldn’t. The Native people in Victoria forced to leave their camp, were escorted by two gunboats, the H.M.S. Grappler and H.M.S. Forward, "in order to render assistance to the police should any obstreperous conduct on the part of the Indians occur." Then, just in case they should return, all their dwellings were burned.
"The Daily Press, 17th June, 1862 stated, 'Then, when the disease raged among them, when the unfortunate wretches were dying by scores ... then the humanizing influence of our civilized Government comes in--not to remedy the evil that had brought it about--not to become the Good Samaritan, and endeavor to ameliorate the effects of the disease by medical exertion, but to drive these people away to death, and to disseminate the fell disease along the coast. To send with them the destruction perhaps of the whole Indian race in the British Possessions on the Pacific... The authorities have commenced the work of extermination--let them keep it up... Never was there a more execrable Indian policy than ours.'
“The people forced to leave had no choice but to return north to their permanent villages, and they took the disease with them. It has been estimated that 20,000 people, or 1/3 of the Native population of BC, died of smallpox in 1862-63.” Source
OK, now about that test I mentioned earlier… Hands up all those who remember this:
The Cow-Pock—or—the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation! 1802 Source
t’s very fashionable at the moment (Oct. 2020) to express the opinion that the current pandemic is some kind of “reset” for humanity or the world or reality. If that is so, then a reset also occurred back in 1918. In hindsight it’s not easy to identify exactly what was reset in 1918, if anything. Perhaps, just as now, it was our credence and faith in those we place in power over us and in the systems through which they control us that was reset? In the last 100 years those systems have tightened their grip (‘Gripe’ the Spanish word for Flu) over us and now it’s time we shook them off. We owe it not only to ourselves, but to all those who suffered back in 1918-19.
I was going to call this section ‘The Conclusion’ but, to be honest, I don’t have one. Hopefully, now that you are maybe a little better informed, you will be able to draw your own conclusions. At the heart of the riddle lies the conundrum, ‘what is influenza?’ Is it one step up from a cold? They label it ‘seasonal,’ so is it something that happens naturally – a cleansing of the body to prepare it for the new season? Is it the body’s reaction and method of removing toxins or poisons? Experiments back in 1918 (discussed above) prove it’s not contagious. If your body was injected with poison would it’s first reaction be influenza? If you were injected with a vaccine for a specific disease and your immune system was in some way compromised, then maybe the influenza reaction would be severe. It may be insufficient to overcome the toxin it’s fighting against. It may be hampered in its attempts to clean your system by the administration of anti-influenza drugs that stop it doing its job. It may even have been sabotaged by a previous anti-influenza vaccine. Beyond that point your system is overwhelmed by the toxin and so your body takes even more drastic measures to rid itself of the poison. Then you become infectious, but you won’t be spreading influenza around, it will be whatever disease your body is trying to free itself from. If someone catches it from you, their first symptom will be influenza because their immune system will react the same way yours did.
Personally, I don’t give a stuff if influenza is a bacteria, a virus, a feckin’ quantum particle or a hallucination. It really doesn’t matter. What really does matter is that a natural function of our wondrous, marvellous human body has been turned against us by the puppet scientists and their depraved masters, to be used as a weapon of terror and genocide.
...you can put your hands down now by the way.
‘Spanish flu’ 1918 vs Covid-19 | World – Gulf News
Covid-19 Is Not the Spanish Flu | WIRED
Flu: how Britain coped in the 1918 epidemic | The Independent
10 Infectious Facts About The Spanish Flu – Listverse
1918 “Spanish Flu” in Spain | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
Our Records: The Spanish Influenza | ScotlandsPeople
False claim: the 1918 influenza pandemic was caused by vaccines | Reuters
Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the “Spanish Flu”? | Freepress.org
Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as "Spanish Flu"?
The 1918-19 Spanish Influenza Pandemic and Vaccine Development | History of Vaccines
The Spanish Flu is a myth! Jerzy Jaśkowski
Remembering the ‘Spanish Flu’ in Asia – The Diplomat
Scientists learn history of Spanish Flu at Fort Riley | Article | The United States Army
Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic, August 19, 2008 News Release - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Fact check: Total deaths in each Spanish flu wave is unknown
1918 Spanish Flu in Canada | The Canadian Encyclopedia
U.S. Military and Vaccine History | History of Vaccines
The Smallpox Epidemic of 1862 (Victoria BC)--Government and Gunboats
Eleanor McBean
Swine Flu Expose by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.
Study: Bacterial pneumonia was main killer in 1918 flu pandemic | CIDRAP
Browse the Archive by Subject | The American Influenza Epidemic of 1918: A Digital Encyclopedia
Deaths from Bacterial Pneumonia during 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic - Volume 14, Number 8—August 2008 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal – CDC
The U.S. Military and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918–1919
Recordamos la pandemia de influenza de 1918 - Especiales CDC - CDC en Español
The 1918 Influenza Pandemic
Felix Noille