Ai – Archon Interference

Well hello again, I hope this article finds you in good spirits despite all of the recent astrological and psychic turmoil that’s going around. I am still working on more material for the Dark Earth Chronicles series, but it has become very complicated and requires a lot more work so, this will be a comparatively short article that will allow me to get something ‘off my chest’ that’s been nagging at me for a while now... well one of them anyway.

I keep coming up against ‘Ai’ everywhere. It's driving me nuts. The software I use for my website, is now "Ai". Those who took over Paintshop Pro back in the nineties, have now incorporated Ai into their latest version. It's total crap. Things you could once do 'manually' all those years ago have been Ai'd and don't work at all now. Ai has now been defined, or maybe redefined, “as any software that takes decisions.” Which is all software – 'if X=1 then do this, otherwise do something else'. All computer programming is decision based, apart from basic CNC programming, which is just coordinates.

Also, someone recently asked me if I knew anything about “3D Mind Mapping software.” I wondered if it was some kind of secret code, the sort spies use to identify each other. It wasn’t, instead it turned out to be Flowcharting software. So, that’s another redefinition designed to make us think that our minds are something that can be mapped.”What the hell for?” I hear you ask. Well, there’s now a new religion…

Ai - A New God we trust

Apparently the new Ai god, or gods, can upload our presumably three dimensionally mapped minds to their heavenly ‘Cloud’, whereupon they will be merged with technology to become the new transhuman civilisation. Obviously there will be no gender involved and no race. This explains the insistence of the ‘trans’, and ‘Cloud’ concepts everywhere, not forgetting the “I am not a robot” tests that are obviously designed to make us believe that the hundreds of thousands of robots surfing the net are 'a clear and present threat'. However, there will be none of their precious ‘diversity’ as all the Ai robots I’ve ever seen are modelled on white people. You never see Ai with negro, middle-eastern or Asian features. All the Ai voices I’ve encountered are white voices also. Strangely, no one seems to object though.

The Singularity

Whenever I confront these new and to my mind, completely feckin’ crazy ideas, I can’t help but recall an article written by Felix, some years ago now, regarding the Archons. It was ‘The Nature of the Beast Part 5, The Gnostics, Archons & Devas’.

I’m going to quote the relevant bits from it, so there’s no requirement to have read it first. In order to give it some context, it was an “attempt to identify the ‘spiritual forces’ or paranormal phenomena responsible for the interference in human affairs.” In this part of the series he focused on the Gnostic Creation Myth as revealed by the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library in 1947. I don’t really want to get into a debate about the validity of this source, or its chronological status, as it's all more speculation and isn’t really relevant to this article. Since Felix wrote his Nature of the Beast series, both he and I have come to the conclusion that, regardless of its authenticity, it was basically some kind of warning for the future that was presented within a frame of reference relevant to its time (whenever that was) and in a familiar, allegorical format.

In the myth, the Goddess Sophia had a vision of our world and all its life forms. This vision became a passionate desire that manifested in our physical dualistic reality as organic and inorganic matter - the two opposite extremes of matter. She herself manifested as the Earth. Just like everything else in a realm governed by duality, there had to be a contrast, an opposite to Sophia’s vision of love and passion. This opposite or contrast, is a duplicate of the original with its intention or purpose reversed. It’s through this principle that The Chief Archon ,or Demiurge, came into existence and just as we are the children of Sophia, so the Archons are the offspring of the Demiurge.

The Goddess Sophia and The Demiurge are actually one and the same expression of duality within our physical realm. They represent the two extremes of the human ego. Duality comprises opposites by its very nature, therefore, in our physical realm it’s not possible to have Light without its other extreme – Darkness. How could you describe or experience heat without knowing cold? How would you recognise Right without knowing Wrong? 'Demiurge' is an interesting word – ‘demi’ means half and ‘urge’ means “to advocate earnestly the doing, consideration, or approval of; to press for.” It’s just like the old adage of the devil on one shoulder advising one course of action and an angel on the other advising the opposite – half urging bad, half urging good. Therefore, the allegory is based upon human nature.

At the time Felix wrote his article I wasn't convinced by the whole duality 'thing'. Then one day, I was doing something and I burned myself, well, I thought I had burned myself, but there was nothing hot around. Turned out it was something extremely cold that produced the exact same sensation and resulting injury. So it occurred to me that hot and cold were ultimately two expressions of the same thing, whilst being total opposites at the same time. What really matters to us is the space between the extremes. Under normal circumstances in our physical world, a neutral mid point is the most harmonious balance. When that balance is disturbed towards either extreme, we need the same degree of the opposite to restore the equilibrium. So, if we get really cold, we need additional heat to bring us back to normal. It's like PH I suppose, if your pool water, or your body,  is too acidic you need an increased amount of alkali to restore the balance. If we're really naughty we need an equivalent degree of good to balance us again - both on a personal and worldwide basis.

“The Demiurge is the epitome of materialistic ego, the very highest possible ideal of selfishness, conceit and arrogance. The nemesis of that quality we call humanity. In fact he is the distorted contrasting reflection of Sophia. He declares himself to be the Supreme Being. He tries to invade the human realm, but has no physical means to do so and can only cause mental harassment and confusion.” physical means to do so eh? If only he had some kind of machine. Obviously the title of Chief Archon shows that he had minions. Below him are the seven gods known as the Hebdomad, then come the ‘drones’ who act in a mechanical manner under the command of their superiors... just like robots in fact.

The Demiurge is referred to as “Yaldabaoth” in the Nag Hammadi texts, but in later so-called Christian Gnosticism he/it was called Abraxus and was lord over 365 Archons. There were more flavours of Christian Gnosticsm than you could shake a stick at and I’m afraid I don’t put much credence in any of them and believe them all to be redefinitions designed to conceal the truth. Of course, the theories about how, why and exactly where the Nag Hammadi codices were buried are many and varied, but it's clear that the redefined Christianised versions were very well established by the time the world knew of the Nag Hammadi discovery.

Now there is a very significant part of the allegory which goes as follows… The Demiurge is able to duplicate a habitat for himself and his kind, which is a kind of virtual reality simulation of the original home of the gods. The Archons, being inorganic and lacking the ‘divine spark,’ are incapable of creativity or originality.

“The Archons envy humanity for the qualities of freedom and love, not to mention ingenuity and imagination, all of which they lack. These texts state that the envious Archons operate through deception and excel in simulation (the Coptic ‘HAL'), but basically have no agenda or master plan except to disrupt and confuse. Their plan is ‘senselessness,’ a pointless game of ‘fear and enslavement’ (NHLE, 364-5) which humans succumb due to egotism and errors of judgement. Detesting the innocence and brilliance of the human species, ‘they delight in deception and confusion for its own sake, cosmic spoilers, tricksters bent on absurdity. Our confusion actually entertains them, and they feed vicariously off our fear.’” Source

The word HAL is even more interesting as it was chosen as the name for the insane computer – or Ai – HAL9000, in the film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’

So where exactly is this virtual reality simulation, or Hal, that is home to the Archons? Good question. Obviously it’s not a physical construction and therefore must exist outside of our physical realm, but very close to it. I suppose it's comparable to the Astral Plane, or maybe that's where it is.

In the Nag Hammadi texts the Gnostics identified the twofold modus operandi of the Archons’ interference in our world:

  • Psychic intrusion, visions or mental parasitism.
  • Deviant and insane beliefs framed in religious ideology, namely the ‘chosen people’, a supernatural saviour, the doctrine of suffering, apocalypse, and divine retribution. They believed that such notions were the direct result of channelling the Archons.

In his series of articles, Felix gave exhaustive evidence and examples of exactly this kind of interference in the human realm which is disguised or rather defined as miracles, visions, UFOs, ‘Ancient Aliens’ or simply hallucinations.

Now there’s a part of this allegory that most people avoid like the plague because it concerns the Jews. The following comes from the Nag Hammadi document known as ‘Against Heresies’ (1 .30. 10)...

“Yaldabaoth himself chose a certain man named Abraham... and made a covenant with him that if his seed would continue to serve him he would give to him the earth as an inheritance. Later through Moses he brought forth from Egypt the descendants of Abraham, gave them the law, and made them Jews. From them the seven gods, also called the Hebdomad, chose their own heralds to glorify each and proclaim Yaldabaoth as God, so that the rest of mankind, hearing the glorification, might also serve those who were proclaimed by the prophets as Gods.”

The Hebdomad, or seven gods, (probably the original ‘Elohim’) are…

“...semi-hostile powers and are reckoned as the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead; below them—and frequently considered as proceeding from them—comes the world of the devilish powers.” Source

OK, so we’ve seen how, according to the allegory, whilst the Archons lack any creativity they are masters at mimicry or simulation, BUT that which they replicate always serves the dualistic opposite of the original’s purpose. Hence we see the duplication of Sofia’s gift to humanity – the Earth and all its abundance – in the ‘gift’ of the same thing to Abraham and his seed, even though it had already been given to them and all of humanity by Sophia. Then comes the deception in the form of the dualistic opposite of Sofia’s original gift, whereby the Earthly Paradise becomes a place of misery, suffering and confusion, culminating in an apocalypse.

I don’t know about you, but this seems like a pretty definite ‘ultimate goal’ to me. Perhaps the Gnostics (whoever they were) considered the Archons’ goal to be senselessness at the time simply because it was too far beyond their particular point of reference. The Jewish version of the apocalypse doesn’t totally destroy humanity, of course it saves the Chosen People, who would be rescued at the last moment of the 'final battle' and whisked away in heavenly chariots piloted by angels… to some Cloud maybe where they become a new transhuman civilisation. In Ezekiel 37 of the OT, Yahweh even promises to literally raise his people from their graves and lead them back to ‘Israel’.

By now you might be wondering what any of this has to do with Ai. Well, what is Ai if not a collection, or massive database – a duplication – of all mankind’s knowledge and creative achievements? Computer programs then catalogue, 'analyse', regurgitate, rearrange, combine and reassemble elements from that database and the result is deemed to be the ‘creation’ of artificial intelligence. What is this if it isn’t the identical mimicry and simulation attributed to the Demiurge? Ai is now being presented to us as being superior to humans – as a new god in fact. Just as Abraham sold his soul and that of his descendants, for what was already theirs, so we are now being sold what is already ours! There’s the same deception. The new god of this new religion doesn’t intend to re-establish Sofia’s gift of a perfect abundant Earth, rather it’s going to completely replace humanity with transhumans. The reasoning behind this is that humanity has destroyed the Earth and its climate, over the past millennia and can no longer be allowed to continue in its present form. Instead we must become simply ‘drones’ who act in a mechanical manner under the command of the Demiurge... just like robots in fact. In other words, we must become minions of the Demiurge. And there again is the same dualistic reversal of Sofia’s original gift.

This concept of humanity being a plague upon the Earth is another deception. Beyond the basic Gnostic Creation Myth, which I have labelled an allegory, there are further details from texts within the Nag Hammadi Library that relate to supposedly historical events. These details were also discussed in Part 4 of Felix’s Nature of the Beast series. I don’t want to get into a long discussion regarding the authenticity of these historical events as I’ve done that many times in other articles. However, there’s a fascinating description of what seems to be the recipe for an endlessly recurring drama which is the vehicle for creating chaos and suffering right up until the apocalypse, or whatever fake event they care to devise.

The responsibility for playing out these dramas originally fell upon the ‘inner circle’ or kabal of Judaism (the Kabbalists) and was passed down from generation to generation. In this article I want to avoid getting too secular because I’m keen to present this allegorical material in a simple and contemporary way. Anyone who wants to read the original presentation of this cycle of dramas can do so in Felix’s article here.

The cast and roles of these dramas, (not necessarily in order of appearance) are as follows:

The Instigator, who promotes The Hero to the oppressed Rebels as the one who will lead them in their battle to overthrow their oppressors.

The Infiltrator works his way into the oppressor’s organisation and becomes it’s leading light, calling its followers to battle against the fanatical ideals of The Instigator and the Rebels.

Meanwhile, The Traitor infiltrates the inner circle of the Rebel’s organisation and then turns against it. This causes a division among the Rebels who splinter into various factions and the whole cycle begins all over again, spreading like a contagion.

On the face of it, this sounds completely crazy as the drama has the failure of the rebellion built into it. However, it also demonstrates total control of both seemingly opposing factions and the exponential spread of splinter groups who will play out this drama in other places and in different scenarios ad infinitum. It’s worth considering that these days The Media with their 'Grey Magic', as Felix described it, could easily fill the roles of The Instigator and/or The Infiltrator.

How many times in our past history have we seen the senselessness of various conflicts that ultimately fail and whose opposing factions seem to be controlled by the same puppet masters? How many times have Traitors and/or Infiltrators risen to prominent positions of power in all kinds of organisations, and then led the faithful into “misery, suffering and confusion?” This same pattern can be seen throughout our ‘history’ and especially our recent history.

The efficiency of this endless drama can be seen clearly in our past. Was there ever really a time when we weren’t minions to some god / monarch / pope / president / taxman / boss / ideology?"

I was watching a couple of TV series I managed to find on the subject of Wales as part of my continuing research for The Dark Earth Chronicles. They were highly enlightening. They illustrated perfectly the spell we all fell under and are still suffering from. It began with the Norman Conquest when everything and everyone became the property of the King, who ruled by the grace of 'God'. He in turn divided it all up between his 'mafia'. His Jews also began robbing the royal treasury right up until the point where they were expelled. This didn't really stop them, it just slowed them down until The Traitor Cromwell allowed them back in. Then, after they had established a national Debt, secured against taxation (and still unpaid today,) they began the Enclosure of Land, which left the common people with no choice but to work for the Gentry. The Aristocracy / Gentry / Jews discovered valuable mineral deposits on their stolen land and began exploiting them. They used the common people as slaves, who had no choice but to comply. They built up entire communities around their mining, weaving, manufacturing, transport and smelting centres. Then, in the 19th - 20th centuries, they smashed it all to pieces and moved it to places like China, Germany and Japan where either robots ( Ai) or slave-labour replicate the work of humans - but it's all for the entirely opposite purpose. The goods they produce are all shallow copies of what real people used to produce with skill and pride for the benefit of all. The 'tat' that's on offer today is sold for the benefit of  the few with the sole purpose of making profit - especially through repeat sales due to in-built obsolescense - even harmful side-effects from food or chemicals are a bonus for drug companies who have no desire to relieve anyone of anything except their cash and their health - both mental and physical.  Jewish financial values have become the norm and society went to hell a long time ago when the working classes were turned into weapons of disorder and chaos under labels like Marxism and Communism. The rest we know only too well.

A good friend of mine, who will be recognisable as JD755 to anyone who used to frequent the stolenhistory forums, summed it up very well recently...

“I find it extremely uncomfortable to realise what has transpired during my life time to date and accept I live on an island with many more people than when I was born doing less and less for themselves and each other whilst clutching their digital prisons in their hands in some f*cked up version of a toddlers comfort blanket...

"...This island has always had and still does, the greatest diversity of natural resources in one physical location that the 'indigenous' men once used to create all manner of things to the benefit of all."

Whilst watching an unrelated documentary set in the UK, my wife commented that they have made the countryside look like a circuit board. She was referring to the vast expanses of solar farms that now dominate what was once farmland. All part of the climate change drama.

The success of all the various dramas and machinations have always relied heavily on one important ingredient - human greed - the "I'm Alright Jack" factor. That's what's been carefully cultivated, encouraged and exploited over the centuries. We've been educated into it by masters. Centuries of indoctrination have all been to unbalance our egos towards greed and away from selflessness . The whole drama / pantomime is set up to feed it, because greed cannot exist without deprivation and thus suffering.

In the original Nag Hammadi texts, the roles of the actors in The Drama were given with very different names to those I have used above. The Traitor was known as The Man of Lies, the Scoffer, the Spouter, and the Man of Mockery. My current research on the Dark Earth Chronicles front includes an investigation of the Merlin legends. Well, according to the main one, which has been extensively Christianised and redefined, Merlin was born a hairy and ugly child who could speak from birth. He addressed the royal court (not King Arthur’s) as a baby and explained that "one of the evil spirits," called ‘The Scoffer’, had previously tried to bring him into the world by deceiving his mother’s two elder sisters  but failed, then he finally succeeded with Aldan – his mother. Is that name, 'The Scoffer', just a coincidence?

So, along with the previously mentioned Christianisation of Gnosticism, does this indicate that the Archon phenomena is actually exactly what Felix originally claimed it to be – “the ‘spiritual forces’ or paranormal phenomena responsible for the interference in human affairs.” Does all of this Archon business just boil down to the fact that there are unseen forces who are able to influence us on a psychic level by cultivating our weaknesses – by tipping the balance of our dualistic egos to the negative extreme? Furthermore, have we been deceived into worshipping the protagonist of this unseen force as our God in all of the Abrahamic religions?

The Sophianic myth, or allegory, does not predict any kind of apocalyptic finalé, but the plot describes a key event called “The Correction” (Greek diorthosis), which refers to the decisive moment when we as a species finally wake up to the deception that’s had us enthralled for the last millennia.

If this Correction event is imminent, it would explain the current escalation of the Ai transhumanist agenda and its deviation into a new religion. Along with Agenda 2030, this would in effect manifest the virtual reality simulation, or HAL, of the Archons on our physical plane with whatever is left of us as the new transhuman slave (robot) civilisation.

To be honest, I don’t see that happening because Ai is like any other computer program – only as good as the programmer – and things would keep breaking-down, bits would fall off of us, the lithium batteries wouldn’t last, the Cloud would get seeded and everyone’s uploaded consciousness would fall as rain into the seas… but I’m hopeful of The Correction.

There is one comforting thought to be taken away from all of this at least. By definition, this dualistic reality we find ourselves in, dictates that there must be an opposite extreme to the Demiurge, the Hebdomad and the Archon minions. There are unseen forces that are able to influence us on a psychic level by cultivating our strengths – by restoring the balance of our egos towards selfless extreme. Furthermore, we have been deceived into demonising the benevolent faction of these unseen forces, thus isolating ourselves from them entirely. Or, you could just conceive the whole thing as an allegory of Human Nature if you find that more comfortable.

It’s clear that these unseen forces are also natural a part of our reality – both the good and the bad – and it’s within our nature to be influenced by both. The more we become absorbed in the artificial, the unnatural, the replicas, the simulations, the digital duplicates, then the more we are drawn into the HAL of the Archons and the further we sink into an unbalanced state towards the opposite extreme - the unnatural rather than the natural. Clearly then, the truly natural analogue world is the dwelling place of the benevolent unseen forces, just as it always has been. That’s why there has been and continues to be, such extreme measures to separate us from the natural world... and you can take that any way you like, because judging by what's been going on in Spain lately with the 'Climate Change 9-11' DANA atrocity, mass murder is also very still much a part of the latest drama.

Will Scarlet

With thanks to JD755 for his input
